And at this time, what appeared in front of Lin Tai was a super huge mouth.

Even with a foul smell.

Moreover, Lin Tai also saw many, many remains of human limbs from this huge and terrifying mouth, and the stench was exactly what they emitted from their decay.

Name: Billion-foot man-eating insect

Race: cannibal

Type: Beast

Attribute: ground

Rank: middle god


Gluttony: By eating, you can quickly restore your own health and skill cooling, and you can get some of the characteristics of the eaten creatures.

Manic: Always in a state of rage.

Soul Absorption: Absorb the souls of the creatures killed by you on your body, and you can enhance your own numerical effects by consuming the souls absorbed on your body.

Soul Explosion: Consume all of your own soul, causing an extremely terrifying attack on the target!

Description: A man-eating insect that has mutated many times. Every time it eats a living body, it absorbs part of the other's physiological characteristics to evolve itself, changing its race and appearance. 517 is a very difficult guy to deal with.

If you take it for granted as a monster lying in the ground waiting for you to come out and bite, you will definitely die a miserable death.

And at this time, Lin Tai was also ready to do something.

Feel the other party's anger.

In an instant, Lin Tai had a very bad impression of the guy in front of him.

Because it really does not conform to Lin Tai's aesthetics.

So now Lin Tai is ready to deal with it in the shortest possible time.


The billion-footed man-eating insect let out a monstrous roar, and then the whole insect quickly attacked Lin Tai, and its huge body suddenly drew a trace on the ground.

At the same time, the surrounding walls were also marked with innumerable marks by the countless arthropods of its billion-footed man-eating insect.

Then, the billion-footed man-eating insect slammed into Lin Tai's body.

But before being swallowed by the billion-footed man-eating insect, Lin Tai also took out the Judgment of Light and Darkness, and just a second before the billion-footed man-eating insect hit him, he also turned it into a two-handed sword, He hit the opponent's body hard.

In an instant, Lin Tai's body took a few steps back, but the body of the Yiding man-eating insect retreated a long distance.

"Is this the so-called billion-legged man-eating insect? I thought it was a specific race, but it turned out to be a monster that keeps mutating. From this point of view, maybe it itself is not intelligent, but it just ate too much. After intelligent creatures, the body has mutated."

Thinking of this, Lin Tai also completely lost the idea of ​​keeping his hand.

Just as the billion-footed man-eating insect retreated, Lin Tai also charged forward suddenly, the sword in both hands and himself were covered by a burst of orange flames.

And when he felt the high temperature on Lin Tai, the billion-foot man-eating insect also started to retreat instantly, because the flames used by Lin Tai had far exceeded the endurance of the billion-foot man-eating insect.

At the moment of retreating, the billion-footed man-eating insect spewed out a big mouthful of green liquid, attacking Lin Tai.

"(cedh) what is this, strong acid?"

Although he couldn't see what it was at a glance, Lin Tai started to back away quickly, avoiding the opponent's attack in only half a second.

Almost instantly, Lin Tai raised his right hand, and Lin Tai threw out a long spear made of flames, and immediately collided with the liquid sprayed out by the billion-legged man-eating insect.

In an instant, countless white gas evaporated, and the dark green impurities left by the burning fell on the ground, corroding a large number of potholes on the ground.

"What the hell is this? But it's true that it's corrosive."

As he said that, a large number of dots appeared in Lin Tai's hands in an instant, as if countless dust were scattered by Lin Tai and spread on the ground.

These things completely prevent the damaging effects of these impurities.

And at this time, Lin Tai also rushed up instantly, swung the Shuangsou sword in his hand suddenly, and immediately slashed forward, colliding with the two largest forelimbs of the billion foot man-eating insect!

At this moment, both sides took a step back, and the billion foot man-eating insect suddenly grew a human face.

That's right, it's a human face.

This human face is grown on the tongue of the billion-footed man-eating insect, and although the billion-footed man-eating insect itself cannot speak, its memory can be changed by controlling its own body.

Now the billion foot man-eating insect has changed into a human face, ready to communicate with Lin Tai.

"Who are you? I allow you to report your name to me, the great being who rules this forest!"

"My name is Shura, and I am the one who drives the electronic dragon to open up territories here, and you should know me better than me.

"It turned out to be you!"

Unexpectedly, the human face in the mouth of this billion-footed man-eating insect immediately roared: "Of course I know you, you damned guy, dare to make trouble in my territory! I must make you pay the price today! "


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