Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1818: The Story Of The Heart Galaxy

At this time, Linglong looked at the surrounding situation and said: "Why are these people here? I feel that they seem to be different from the people in the King Saros galaxy.

"Yes, obviously different from the King Saros galaxy, this heart-earth galaxy is really developing well.

Lin Tai couldn't help but said: "You can see smiles on the faces of these people, and there is light in their eyes, which shows that they believe that their tomorrow will be better.

"As for the people in the King Saros galaxy, except for remote areas, where there are nobles, the common people are all thin and sad, and their eyes are dim. They all think that they will be oppressed by those arrogant nobles forever and ever. .”

While walking, Lin Tai and Linglong were walking on the road.

"And according to my observations, the overall strength of these people is much stronger than that of the people in the King Saros galaxy. They are full and well-fed. If they are recruited as fighters, they will definitely be stronger."

"Really?" Linglong said that although she had the power of life, she couldn't tell the difference.

This is the difference of knowledge.

Because Linglong is still a dragon after all, she knows very little about creatures like humans.

Lin Tai said in a self-centered manner: "The emperor of the heart-centered galaxy, an authoritarian emperor, Hestis, is a very capable existence."

"He wiped out a large number of incompetent nobles, and took from them the money they obtained from squeezing the people in their era, and used it to develop the construction in the galaxy."

"In addition to this, he also vigorously developed armaments and agriculture, and at the same time disarmed. While strengthening individual strength, he reduced the number of troops. As long as he has the ability, even civilians will be promoted."

"This is indeed a good person, but because he has killed too much, he is called the Blood Emperor by the people in the country. Although he is loved, most people are afraid of him."

"Moreover, the arms and armies in the heart-earth galaxy are all stocked up at ordinary times, and their combat effectiveness is very good.

"But I don't see their strength.

Linglong at the side said. And what he was pointing at were a few people standing on the side of the road patrolling.

"That's because we are high gods, and our strength is too strong.

"However, when the King Saros galaxy was fighting, it recruited troops from the nobles and forced ordinary people from various planets to join the army. Naturally, its strength is far inferior to that of the Heart Galaxy."

"So it is!"

Linglong suddenly realized something and said: "Master Juggernaut, you are really astute, this is where we are far behind.

"Okay, stop kissing my ass."

Lin Tai looked around and said: "In the heart-earth galaxy, like the Saros galaxy, it was a feudal kingdom ruled by the emperor and nobles, but Hestis killed a large number of incompetent nobles, and at the same time Land and wealth belonging to the galaxy were also recovered.

"It's a very drastic reform."

"But since this is the case, then there must be people in this place who hate him."

There was a strange light in Lin Tai's eyes, and he said: "Even if these people didn't take the initiative to speak, they must exist, unless Hestis slaughtered all the creatures in the galaxy..."

"I understand what you mean." Linglong nodded.

"However, our plan has not reached this point yet." Lin Tai said with a smile: "Whether we want to get to this point or not depends on whether Hestis knows the image.

~Well, so what are we going to do now?"

"Go to the Adventurer's Guild."

Lin Tai said: "Although in the core galaxy, most of the adventurer's work is done by the army, which leads to the low status of the adventurer's union. But we still have to do some tasks, at least to get acquainted with each other. "

"Oh, speaking of which, I remember that most of the core geosystems are a kind of garbage called workers."

"That's right, it's a worker."

Lin Tai nodded and said: "These people accept the task, but they will not register as adventurers, nor will they be restricted by the adventurers union, it is a free profession.

"Well, shall we go and see these people?" Linglong asked.

"Of course, after all we (good Wang Hao) still need to start our plan from these people."

Lin Tai showed a weird smile again.

Then he took Linglong and walked in another direction.

At the same time, in the King Saros galaxy, several members of the royal family are having a meeting.

In a relatively small but safer room, the tenth prince, the second prince, the king and his warrior commander Ashara sitting here.

The tenth and second princes, and even Crom and Grand Duke Leonard didn't bring them, and they really just went to the meeting alone.

Of course, Ashara alone was enough to keep them safe.

smiled weirdly.

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