"Father, the attack of the devil this time is really too troublesome."

The second prince frowned and said: "A large number of roads and various houses in our capital have been severely damaged, and it will take a long, long time before they can be repaired."

"Is it so serious..."

The king not only frowned.

And he is quite old now, both his judgment and execution ability have become very low, and it is basically impossible to handle government affairs.

So in fact, the right to speak in the true sense is still with the second prince.

The second prince has always been by the king's side to advise him, so naturally he is quite trusted by the emperor.

"Father, you don't have to."

At this time, the second prince also said: "Although the current situation is not good, the people have no complaints. Most people still think that you who dare to stand up and take the initiative to fight the devil are dignified enough."

"Really." The king sighed, and then said: "Thank you and Old Ten for your advice, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to go to 243 to fight the devil."


And at this moment, just as the second prince was about to say something, the door was suddenly pushed open with great force.

Then, I saw a very strong and tall man rushing in.

The moment she saw this person, Ashara frowned and said: "Your Highness, even if you are a royal, you still can't forcefully barge into the room where the Emperor is! This is a disrespectful act."

But at this time, the eldest prince in front of him pointed at Ashara and said angrily: "You have no place to speak here, you lowly commoner!"

That's right, although Ashara is the strongest person in this galaxy, but at the same time he is also a commoner, a person promoted by the king.

The same is true for Rocks, he is a commoner, not an aristocrat.

And at this time, a noble (cece) clan followed behind the eldest prince, and said to Ashara in front of him: "That's right, you are the one who is not qualified to be here, you should be kicked out!"

"He is the warrior captain of the kingdom I canonized, and what I said just now is in his duty.

The king said slowly at this time.

"Only nobles are qualified to be knights by the king's side!"

Unexpectedly, the nobleman still said insistently: "This kind of lowly commoner is a vicious and cunning existence, and it is very dangerous to put such a person by your side.

If it were Lin Tai in this place, it would be obvious in an instant that the ruling power of the royal family in this galaxy is already quite weak.

Because many nobles are now domineering, and they don't even listen to the royal family's orders, just like the local emperors.

As long as there is a little bit of knowledge, it can be seen that the rule of this galaxy is on the verge of collapse, and a war may break out at any time, reuniting, or splitting into many regions.

However, the king, who was usually very biased towards Ashara, did not refute at this time, but said: "Marquis Paul, what is your business here?"

"Father, why didn't you send your troops to Naran Yar?" At this moment, the First Prince suddenly asked.

But at this time, the second prince said: "The reason is very simple, my lovely elder brother, it is because the heart galaxy will not launch an attack.

"What? What do you mean?"

At this time, both the eldest prince and the Marquis Paul said with a smile on their faces: "According to the usual example, within a period of time, the inner-earth galaxy will start to attack our territory!"

"Because the strength of the King Saros galaxy has been weakened almost this year."

At this time, the second prince and Lin Tai, who was far away in the heart-centered galaxy, said at the same time: "The purpose of the heart-centered galaxy has never been to really occupy the king Saros galaxy, but to affect the king Saros galaxy through war. .”

Lin Tai and the second prince said at the same time: "Because the King Saros galaxy temporarily recruits soldiers from various planets, once they die, all places will enter a state of trouble.

"And this year, because of the demon's attack, the King Saros galaxy has fallen into chaos, and the core galaxy has just completed its reform, and it is not the time to start a war."

The words of Lin Tai and the second prince are the same, but the reaction of the audience is completely different.

At this time, after hearing Lin Tai's words, Linglong immediately said: "I see, your words really opened my eyes [I now understand your greatness]


But the eldest prince and Marquis Paul in the King Saros galaxy did not understand at all.

At this time, the eldest prince slapped the table suddenly, and said to the king in front of him: "Father, please hand over the military power to me! Whether it is the heart galaxy or the devil, I, Pablo, will kill them with my own hands. !"

"After all, my brother can't even swing a sword!"

And when he said these words, the second and tenth princes were all exposed.

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