At this time, the four teams have come here from afar, and are observing the huge planet in the distance.

They took a spaceship, sneaked into the King Saros galaxy quietly, and then came here.

"I didn't expect there to be a planet here."

Vermilion Bird said with some surprise: "I've never heard that there is a planet here, let alone that there is a ruin hidden on this planet."

"It probably existed before the King Saros galaxy was officially named."

And the captain of this team, Qinglong also said with a smile.

In fact, for black workers like them, it would be great to be able to find such relics, because a very powerful monster once appeared in this universe and destroyed countless galaxies.

And these destroyed galaxies naturally left a lot of hidden wealth, which is the ultimate dream of black workers who regard money as their life.

Although it is inevitable that there will be powerful monsters in these ruins, their strength is not weak, so why would 357 be afraid of the monsters that survived in each of these ruins?

So exploring these hidden ruins and gaining wealth from them is what these black workers often do.

Of course, most of these ruins are actually nothing.

"It's amazing!"

Baihu also sighed and said: "The buildings on this planet look very magnificent, and you can tell at a glance that they must have been built by great people!"

In fact, what he said is also true.

Because this place is actually a place specially created by Lin Tai to attract their attention.

In order to attract their attention, Lin Tai deliberately made the buildings on this planet so grand and magnificent that people would think that there must be very few things here at a glance.

But (ceff) in fact, there are indeed not too valuable items here, at least for Lin Tai, there is nothing here that is worth what he needs, so even if some are lost occasionally, it doesn't matter.

But now, Qinglong looked at the huge planet and the buildings on it, and immediately couldn't help but said: "This will definitely be the best entrusted task, this task

will lead us to happiness..."

"It must be so, it must be true..."

He thought so in his heart.

In fact, any worker, that is, the so-called black worker, actually has a similar reverie, hoping that a commission that risks his life can make him rich overnight

Then never have to do such a dangerous job again.

However, the vast majority of people who thought this way died in this place, completely unable to become the carefree existence that they imagined, with no worries about food and clothing.

This is also the fate of the black worker, to die in his own mission and lose everything he gained in exchange for losing his conscience.

But now, the teams of these four workers have left the surroundings, and each of them has become a fighting posture, and then quietly landed on this planet from different positions.

"Our four teams explore the four small buildings around here from four different directions, and then go to the lobby to gather. What do you think of this method?"

At this time, a worker suggested this way.

"Well, I think that's a good suggestion."

said one.

Then, the four of them dispersed and walked in different directions.

In fact, this is what Lin Tai deliberately designed to let them do this. There is a peculiar thing in every building, as long as they find and wear it, they will definitely lead to destruction.

As for whether they can find out and take them away, this is a question that Lin Tai doesn't need to think about.

These four teams are all experienced workers, and they have long been mercenary guys, so as long as Lin Tai dares to design, it is almost impossible to escape their eyes

For this, all workers who are used to treasure hunting can give absolute guarantees.

That being the case, Lin Tai didn't need to bother to find a way to lure them into the trap.

What Lin Tai did was to use the curiosity of these people to let them walk into Lin Tai's trap, and then they were gradually tightened in the trap, and finally died.

This is the only value of their existence, and it is also the end that Lin Tai drew for them early on.

In any case, Lin Tai will never let them go back alive.

At this time, a team named Tank rushed into a building.

In this building, Lin Tai did not place any monsters to fight the enemies.

Because there is no need.

It is impossible for these people to give up digging this ruin because there are no enemies.

And when they stood at the door, they found that the building was completely dark without any light source.

At this time, the priest in the team came out. .

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