Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1830: The Story Of Exploration

At this time, he used the eternal light to add the ability to illuminate several people's weapons.

And in this state, they gradually walked in.

Using the lights on the weapons, they saw a huge flag with the logo belonging to Lin Tai painted on it.

In the original universe, this symbol was very famous.

But in this universe, there are quite a few people who know this mark.

The men looked at it, then shook their heads.

"Do any of you know what this sign stands for?"

The boss of this team, Tank also asked strangely.

"I don't know, maybe it's a symbol of a certain country from a long, long time ago, anyway~ it's not very important."

And at this time, he also stepped forward and looked at the flag.

"Oh! This flag is all made of precious metals! Even ignoring the value of cultural relics, this flag alone "is enough to be lower than 10,000 gold coins?"

"Yeah, the owner of this flag is really luxurious! These are all good things that are used to make weapons and armor, but they are actually used to make a flag! It seems that there must be countless other good things here! "

As they spoke, they also observed the surroundings again.

Soon, one of the thieves found a huge chest.

This box was made into a coffin by Lin Tai, which seems to mean that these people will soon become corpses in the coffin.

But these people are not very clear about this matter.

All they know is that they should open this thing up and have a look, maybe the treasure they need is hidden inside!

At this time, they worked together to open the box.

Although it was a coffin, after opening it, what appeared in front of them was a large piece of very bright golden light, and even several people were forced to stare at them in an instant!

"what is this!"

They were shocked to see the large amount of resources and coins inside, and they were simply terrified!

"There is so much money, there are almost tens of thousands of gold coins! It's too extravagant, too extravagant..."

These people seem quite happy and greedy.

"Okay, this is just the outermost building, don't be blinded by this little money!"

At this time, Tank also suddenly said: "Since there is so much money in the outer building, don't you all wonder how wonderful things are hidden in the innermost super huge building?" ?”

"Yes! This is really beautiful! We can definitely make a fortune and become great nobles!"

At this time, all the workers raised their hands happily.

They were very happy, really happy, and even happily ignored the potential danger.

They gradually started to go crazy because of the greed in their hearts.

And this is exactly what Meng Hao wanted to create.

They were easily fooled by Lin Tai, and they walked into the trap without knowing it.

Soon, these people left the building and rounded up with the other three teams.

When the tank came to the door of the middle hall, Qinglong was waiting for them here.

...asking for flowers...

"You are the slowest one!"

Qinglong couldn't help but said.

"Sorry we were really shocked when we saw what was inside!"

At this time, Tank also asked: "What about the building you explored? What's it like?"

"It should be the same as you!" Qinglong said: "This room is full of money, and there are all kinds of other things, treasures, it is simply dazzling!"

"This relic will definitely make us rich, let's work hard!"

While chatting, they also came to the inside of the hall.

At this time, Tulong and Tianwu teams were already waiting for them here.

At this moment, the people in the two teams are very happy.

It was as if he was going to be dazzled by all kinds of treasures and money.

But at this time, a person suddenly stood up.

That is the oldest among these people, one who claims to be a strong dragon-slaying monk.

At this time, Tu Long also said: "Although we all found a lot of good things in the four buildings, there may still be other safer and faster passages outside."

"Why not, let's go find it, and you go down here! Old and old teams do this troublesome work."

"Is that all right, old man?"

And at this time, Qinglong asked with a bit of conscience.

As everyone knows, the Dragon Slayer in front of him has already been a worker for a long time, he is simply an old fox.

But even though he is smart and vigilant, Lin Tai has already designed trap four to deal with him. .

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