Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1831 Lin Tai's Design

"Although we suffer a bit, it can't make us suffer completely, right?"

At this time, Tu Long also said with a smile: "We're going to check the outside, but you guys need to give us a little bit of the good things you found, each team only needs 10%, how about it, it's very conscientious ?"

"Well, we have no problem."

Although it is necessary to give a part of his own income, this work still needs people to do it, so Tank readily agreed to this proposal.

Qinglong also nodded and said, "We have no objection." "

"Ten percent doesn't matter, but "four three"

Tian Wu just wanted to say something, but Tu Long suddenly said: "Okay, since everyone has no objection, then leave this job to us!"

"Hey, old man, is this really okay?"

One of the dragon-slaying team was also very surprised and said: "If we don't find it..."

"Stop talking, just follow me!"

In this way, these people present reached an agreement.

As for the remaining three teams, after seeing the dragon-slaying team leave, they also chose to move on and set off towards the bottom of this hall.

And soon, they sensed the danger.

"What is it? Probably the enemy, I feel a very dark breath."

"Yes, it's indeed a dark breath, but it's not very powerful, maybe it's just some weaker creatures."

At this time, several people looked forward intently, but found some black humanoid creatures running towards them.

"Hey, hey, are these things? Why are there such weak monsters? Hahaha..."

"That's right, it's really funny!"

"I understand. There are no guarded monsters here. It's just an empty shell. It seems that we can indeed make a fortune here!"

"No, no, no, don't think about things so absolutely." The person in the other team also said with a smile: "Maybe, the other party is an incompetent person who has no reasonable assessment of our combat power at all?"

Why do they do this?

Because the dark creature that appeared in front of them was a weak monster called a black warrior, and they were generally twelfth-order monsters.

And these things, in front of these middle gods, are naturally nothing. Moreover, they are also common with these monsters.

However, what they don't know is that these monsters are not actually sent by Lin Tai.

These black swordsmen are actually just bred by the very little dark power released by Lin Tai's own breath when he created this planet, "slowly absorbing the surrounding substances.

Therefore, they just happened to appear here, and because they found strangers, they launched an attack.

Lin Tai is unaware of the existence of these creatures.

Because when Lin Tai created the planet, these guys didn't exist at all.

After Lin Tai left, they slowly became monsters one by one.

"So, who will deal with these monsters?"

At this time, Qinglong suddenly asked.

And Tian Wu at the side took a step back and said: "These weak things really don't need me to do it."

"Then let me come!"

At this time, the tank also took a step, and then said: "These little monsters, let me come down and send them all to death!"

After finishing speaking, the tank burst out a burst of attacks, and then his body rushed up quickly, turning into a very terrifying attack...

He killed all the black fighters in a split second.

Immediately afterwards, with a big wave of his hand, he directly destroyed the surrounding fog, and then said: "Don't underestimate our enemies. Next, we still have to explore this place carefully."

"Good good!"

The other captains spoke perfunctorily.

Then they continued along this road towards the inside.

At this time, Lin Tai was on another nearby planet, looking at the planet he created with the adventurers in the heart-earth galaxy.

At this time, the adventurer said: "Although they are workers, we are also colleagues for this job. I hope they can come back alive safely!"

After finishing speaking, he also suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Tai at 1.3, and asked, "Mr. Shura, what do you think?"

"They're all going to die."

Lin Tai replied casually at this time.


This answer frightened the adventurer directly, and he asked a little strangely: "Mr. Shura, what do you mean?"


Only then did Lin Tai realize that he had said the wrong thing.

He coughed hastily, and then said: "I mean, they must be mentally prepared for this. Everything in this ruins is unknown, and they must be prepared to die. The regiment may come back."

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