Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1856: The Attacking Predator

At this time, Lin Tai was walking on the road with Gandalf and Bunny Rabbit, while Gong Duo was walking ahead and talking to Lin Tai.

From Gong Duo's words, Lin Tai learned that the reason why the dwarves' technology could no longer be sold was because a large number of dwarves abandoned the Luden rune technology, which greatly increased the time and cost of making runes.

Only then did Lin Tai realize that this was the reason for the decline of the Luden runes.

At this time, Lin Tai asked Gong Duo: "Why do you think this technology can be developed?"

Gong Duo lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked straight at Lin Tai, and said, "Two Sixty Zero." From the manual he left behind, I conclude that this technology can be developed."

"And my father once affirmed my idea."

"Well, that's how it was."

Lin Tai nodded, and then continued: "Now, how many dwarves are still continuing to research and develop the technology of Luden runes?"

"I'm probably the only one left."

Gong Duo said helplessly: "Now there is only one last city left for our dwarves. Most of our companions have neglected their skills and started drinking heavily all day long."

"Well, if that's the case, I can provide the funding for researching this technology."

Lin Tai suddenly said: "However, I hope that all Luden rune craftsmen can be hired to my faction, and you must ensure that this technology must not flow into other factions."

"Okay! I can promise you!"

Now Gong Duo is really driven crazy, as long as he can provide him with research funds, whether it is the monster in front of him or the terrifying Black Dragon King, he is willing to use it for him.

While talking, several people finally walked out of here, and at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared beside Lin Tai.

This is the shadow demon subdued by Lin Tai. Its own strength is a high god, but it cannot fight. Its ability is to monitor and monitor all the possibilities around it, and it has super wisdom.

Now it suddenly came to Lin Tai, indicating that it had discovered something strange.

"What's going on?" Lin Tai asked immediately.

"My lord, not far away, I found about a trillion creatures, and they are now walking towards our location.

"Oh? What is it?"

"It is a creature that does not exist in our galaxy. According to my observation, it may be an orc cavalry.

"It's a predator!"

The moment he heard the orc cavalry, the dwarf Gong Duo immediately uttered a miserable scream.

"Predator, what is it?"

"After our galaxy withered, the orcs began to act crazily!" Gong Duo said tremblingly: "These guys are riding a warg, and their strength is very terrifying!"

"Oh, is that so?"

Lin Tai nodded, and then said to Gandalf, "Catch them all."

"Yes, my lord."

Gandalf nodded, and instantly his body was wrapped in a layer of black mist, and he rushed out quickly.

He flashed a few times and appeared not far in front. At this time, there are about one trillion predators in front. These are all god-level arms, and the leader is a low-god orc warrior I......

Although it is a lower god, the value of this orc is even about three times that of Gong Duo who is a middle god. It is no wonder that the orcs are born warriors.

But the orcs are also surprisingly cruel, and they are not provoked by ordinary creatures at all.

"Hmph, is it just a creature of this level?"

The power of Gandalf burst out instantly, and he used the skill: Shadow Beam at this time.

The effect of this skill is to activate the shadows of other creatures, making them temporarily become their own arms, and entangle their original masters.

At this time, the shadows on the trillions of predators directly came alive, and then controlled the bodies of a large number of predators in front of them.

The value of the shadow is exactly the same as itself, but these shadows are temporarily regarded as Gandalf's arms, that is to say, their hero bonus is linked to Gandalf, the upper god

As for the original predators, the heroes belonged to the lower gods, so in terms of hero bonuses, the strength of the shadows exceeded the body 3.0, so they couldn't break free from their shackles.

Then Gandalf summoned the arms he used, the magic warrior.

The magic warriors he summoned were also one trillion. They didn't need to fight, they went up and started to capture these predators.

Soon, Lin Tai also came here with Gong Duo and Bubble Rabbit, just in time to see the situation where one trillion mana warriors captured one trillion marauders, instantly Gong Duo's eyes widened and he looked back in disbelief. everything in front of you.

"My lord, I have done all the things you ordered." Gandalf said immediately. .

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