"Well, well done."

Lin Tai continued to walk up, and then said: "Leave this commander, the lower god, and send all the others to the God Court. I'll see if there is a place to use them."


Gandalf nodded, then waved his hand, and a huge portal appeared in front of him.

Then he waved his hand again, sending all these looters in and teleporting them into the divine court.

"Then it's you next."

As Lin Tai said, he stretched out his hand and brought the predator directly in front of him.

It's just that Lin Tai didn't torture him, but directly used divine power to control him, and then directly read his memory and obtained the information he wanted.

"Master Lin Tai, what happened?" Gong Duo asked curiously.

"Well, actually, this 24 trillion marauders is just a vanguard."

Lin Tai immediately said: "Behind them, there is a super-large army with a number of one liter and it is attacking your dwarven planet."

"Based on what I know about these guys, it seems that this time they want to completely capture your last planet and turn all your dwarves into their food!"


Gong Duo let out a scream immediately.

He knows the horror of the predators, and the number of them is one trillion trillion. This is really terrifying. If such a huge force wants to attack their planet, it will definitely be unbearable!

So at this moment, Gong Duo immediately looked at Lin Tai who was at the side, and said, "My lord, can you please save our people? I, I...

"Don't worry, Gong Duo."

At this time Lin Tai also smiled, and then said: "Have you forgotten? I said that I would hire you to work in my power. If so, how can I watch you dwarves be destroyed.

At this time, Zedora, the giant dwarf city on this planet, has already noticed the invasion of the predators.

"The enemy has appeared!"

At this time, the dwarf immediately said: "Start the satellite immediately to intercept these damned predators!"

Since dwarves and marauders fight hundreds of times a year, they know the marauders pretty well.

At this time, they immediately sent some people to the satellite, and then began to prepare to fight against the predators from other planets in the universe.

"Rush forward and kill these dwarves!"

In an instant, thousands of Marauders rushed towards the satellite from the universe.

And this satellite has also been transformed into a space battleship. When the opponent attacked, the satellite immediately adjusted its orbital gun and suddenly shot an extremely far beam of light.

Immediately afterwards, large and small guns and gun barrels appeared, aiming at the fleet of predators ahead and firing continuously.

These guns and artillery are all engraved with Luden runes, which allow their weapons to obtain the effect of gravity in the universe and shoot normally.

Compared to the long-distance attack of dwarves, predators are much simpler.

Their warships have no combat power at all, in fact they are just transport ships. The only purpose they use this thing is to manned aviation, and then land on the opponent's planet to launch a brutal attack.

So the only strong point of these transport ships is the defense ability.

At this time, a large number of transport ships were smashed, but the predators inside didn't care at all. They didn't regard other creatures as life, and they didn't regard their own kind as life. Their only goal was to continuously invade, slaughter, and eat Meat.

And in order to achieve this goal, no matter how many other creatures or the same kind, they will die casually, no matter how many die, they won't care.

Soon, a handful of transport ships landed on the dwarven moon.

Although more than one trillion predators were killed, the remaining less than one trillion predators rushed out and directly attacked the building of Dwarf 203.

The dwarves' arms are mainly dwarf warhammers, and they immediately greeted them at this time. They are also combat units, and both sides are heavy armored and powerful.

Even the basic attributes of dwarves are stronger than predators.

But there is a problem, that is, the dwarves are kind-hearted. Compared with the completely inhuman and inhuman predators, the dwarf warhammer's heart is still too bad.

These dwarven warhammers collided with the army of predators in an instant. There were less than one trillion predators, but they were not afraid at all when facing three trillion dwarven warhammers!

They rushed up like crazy, and directly attacked the dwarf hammermen in front of them, almost completely ignoring their own lives.

"Damn, are these guys crazy?"

The dwarves roared, although they were afraid, but their homeland was behind them, and they had to fight these guys to the end no matter what!.

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