The holy angels and Desicius' teams collided.

Desicios is a very special creature. Their bodies seem to be composed of lines. When the holy angels attacked, Desicios' body disintegrated and immediately avoided the holy angels. s attack.

Then their bodies gathered again, and under the control of the core, they suddenly attacked the holy angel in front of them.

The holy angel was hit suddenly, but the body did not retreat. At the same time, long swords composed of rays of light appeared in their hands, and suddenly slashed towards Desicius in front of them.

The bodies of the generation "Six Eighty Zero" Xiqios condensed together this time, and then blocked their slashes.

Almost at the same time, they also released a round of energy bombs of the dark attribute, hitting the body of the holy angel in front of them head-on.

Since the distance was too close, and the holy angel did not have a body like Deschios, he was hit without a doubt, and then began to retreat rapidly in the universe.

Just as the holy angels and Desicios were fighting together, another team suddenly attacked from behind.

The unit of this team is Nebula.

This unit is said to have been born from the destroyed nebula. They possess terrifying weight and power. The only way to fight is to change the surrounding gravity.

Although the effect caused by a single one is very poor, when tens of billions are gathered together, the surrounding gravity will still be greatly affected "It can easily change the tricks of the planet.

The holy angels immediately separated a part of the team to resist the nebula from the side, which also made their confrontation with Desicius on the front line more troublesome.

Immediately afterwards, the holy angels had to continue to strengthen their own strength.

Sacred fire burned on their bodies, covering the original armor and weapons, and immediately made the battle more intense.

"All Deschios, prepare to change form!"

Deschios had form, and now they are a form, purely linear creatures.

And soon, the individuals behind them began to change, each of them changed from a linear shape to a strip-shaped creature.

A large number of lines are combined to form a thick bar.

At this time, all kinds of messy shapes also appeared, and their bodies began to expand rapidly, and then gradually moved forward, taking over the team fighting against the holy angels on the front line.

They are very powerful, but now the holy angels are not easy to mess with, the two sides collide very fiercely, and it will take a long time to win them.

On the other side, the battle between the nebula and the holy angels is not over yet. Although the nebula can easily control these holy angels, their attack power is too weak.

According to normal battles, it will take at least a month for them to completely decide the outcome.

But at this moment, suddenly a rather shocking news came.

Right at the forefront of the battle line, Thor knocked away all the guards around Rodas with one blow, and sent them all to the west.

Immediately afterwards, Thor was about to kill Rodas himself, and all the attributes of all the arms under Rodas plummeted in an instant...

At this time, the Angels of the Holy Cult, whose attributes have dropped significantly and lost their heroes, gradually showed weakness in the battle.

At this time, Deschios instantly turned into the strongest form, as if a huge shield blocked his front, and then a large area of ​​his body became very thick.

They rushed directly into the ranks of the holy angels, and their powerful power began to spread crazily. The divine power attached to them, and they continued to attack these holy angels.

And the nebula stone on the side also hit it directly, and the holy angels who could resist gravity activities were directly suppressed this time and couldn't move.

The nebula stones collided with them again and again, and quickly killed all the holy angels in front of them.

Then it's easier to work.

Even without Lin Tai's help, these fighters rushed in easily under the leadership of Thor, the high god, and quickly killed all the fighters.

And now Lin Tai appeared in San Felipe, the capital of the San Felipe galaxy, with a 5.9-point news.

Now, Lin Tai has begun to use his ability to convey these news to some people's minds in various ways, forcing these people to mistakenly think that these are the news he got from other people.

With the help of Lin Tai, the destruction of the planetary system on the border soon appeared in the ears of all the high-level officials in the San Felipe galaxy.

"Such a thing happened!"

The current leader of the San Felipe galaxy, the Holy Empress said with some headaches: "This is troublesome!".

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