Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1872 Coping And Too Late To Cope

However, although the Holy Queen had a headache, another warrior beside her, Remedio, who was named the captain of the paladin, said with a smile: "Don't worry, my lord queen, whether it's a dragon or a demihuman, I will easily Kill the opponent and present its head in front of you!"

Remedio is also confident. After all, the news from King Saros Galaxy said that only a diamond-level adventurer repelled the giant dragon. It is impossible for him to not even have the strength of a diamond-level adventurer, right?

That's right, although Lin Tai is already a master-level adventurer in the Saros galaxy, other galaxies don't recognize it.

They don't think that Lin Tai really has the strength of a master. They just think that he must have been given such a title of 24 by the royal family of the Saros galaxy because of his great contribution to saving the king's capital.

After all, there are too few upper gods in this universe, and these people already feel that the diamond level is already the most powerful.

According to Lin Tai's analysis, there are forces of high gods in this universe, and it is likely that there are more in the Dragon Kingdom and the Cross Galaxy.

There may not be too many high gods in other places that are enough to attract their attention.

As for the Kane Bloodhoof encountered in the Luden galaxy, he is a very special existence, because the Luden galaxy is basically close to destruction, so in order to speed up the destruction, such a chosen child appeared.

The lava dragon king is actually one of the dragon kingdoms, but they don't live in the dragon kingdom.

"I also think we won't lose this time."

As for the matter standing aside, Remedio's younger sister, Casteldio, said with a smile: "Although the border city defenses have been destroyed, the other side must have paid a very painful price, and they probably don't have much strength to fight We are at war.


The Holy Queen nodded, and said: "After all, it took us more than three thousand years to build our border city defenses. It is very strong, and we must pay a certain price to break through it!"

While she was speaking, Lin Tai had already sneaked into this huge palace. As a high god, he would not be discovered at all.

But this time Lin Tai didn't come here to kill people or anything, he just wanted to come in and see what kind of people this royal family of the San Felipe galaxy is like.

Because the San Felipe galaxy brainwashed all ordinary people into their believers, and all of them are very fanatical existences, so Lin Tai also wants to see, if he can subdue them, maybe he can use them too get on.

It's just that his idea hadn't succeeded, and suddenly there were bursts of bells ringing outside.

There were two people on the spot who immediately opened the window to take a look, and they saw that the outside was full of flames at this moment!

Immediately after that, a soldier rushed in and said loudly: "It's bad, that dragon has come in!"


The three women present were all stunned for a moment, but then they also understood, did the magic dragon that defeated the battle line sneak in here even though it didn't show up?

"This guy, does he think that after defeating a planetary system, he thinks he can capture our capital?"

Immediately, Remedio let out a roar, and a set of armor covered her body in an instant, and then she rushed out in an instant.

At the same time, dozens of angels directly appeared around, which were summoned by Remedio passively.

And just far away from the palace, the billowing smoke has already drifted away, and the royal city guards of the San Felipe galaxy are fighting a large number of hell demons.

The strength of these demons is not strong, but there are a lot of [ten against opponents who are not even these main city guards.

Although Remedio despises Thor, he actually attaches great importance to him.

On the way, Remedio swung the holy sword in his hand continuously, hacked all the demons in front of him to death, and then rushed up quickly.

Although the strength of these demons is not strong, Remedio doesn't think that these guys can be let go, her intuition is very accurate, these guys probably have some special meaning.

And at this moment, Remedio finally saw Thor who was standing quietly in the distance, that is, the dragon in her mouth.

At this moment, a voice behind Remedio suddenly remembered: "Captain, we are here!"

These people are the paladins under Remedio. The strength of these people is around the lower gods, and a few powerful ones are also middle gods. They seem to be Remedio's personal guards.

"How is Her Lady Queen and my sister?" Remedio asked suddenly.

"The two adults also came out with the team!"

A person immediately said: "Prepare to use the element array to deal with this guy!".

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