Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1873: Great Formation Of Elements

"A large array of elements?"

Lin Tai on the side also heard this passage, and he has some understanding of the elemental array.

The element array Lin Tai will use is a lineup composed of nine elements: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, dark, time and space. It can deprive the opponent of all elemental effects in an instant, and it can also cause these people to suffer terrible damage.

And the element array used by the people in the San Felipe galaxy is not sure if it is the same as Lin Tai, but Lin Tai thinks it is unlikely, after all, time and space are not available to ordinary people.

If it is lower than the upper god, only people who belong to the two attributes of time and space can use it, but it is not necessarily true. Lin Tai does not know if there are people with these two attributes in the San Felipe galaxy!

And because the effect of the large array of elements is really scary, Lin Tai is also afraid that Thor will overturn, so he immediately arranged a special formation on the spot.

The effect of this formation itself is not very strong, but it happens to be very useful for formations.

Lightning array: attracts a thunderbolt to launch an attack, causing weak damage to the target, and can destroy the lineup, this effect will not be guided by the effect of elemental immunity.

So even if the element array has the effect of deprivation of elements, the thunder array can still destroy it.

And at this moment, Remedio was already ready to rush forward.

First, the long sword in her hand suddenly turned into a terrifying giant sword, and then quickly rushed towards Thor in front of her.

"Death" `!"

With this roar, the huge lightsaber in Remedio's hand fell from his head, and fell head-on towards Thor.

Thor also noticed the opponent's attack early, and turned around at this moment, and the tail behind him hit the holy sword in Thor's hand head-on.


The holy sword was interrupted in an instant, and Thor's body also turned around, and then a breath of hell dragon spewed out, directly knocking Qingmedio into the air.

At the same time, many soldiers around her were directly burned to death.

"What the hell is this thing?"

Remedio did not expect at all that this guy was so powerful that the holy sword in his hand was broken on the spot. Although it was only formed by the power of faith, it was also an invincible existence in her heart!

She took a few steps back without hesitation, and immediately rushed up again, the weapon in her hand was trembling slightly, as if she was crying.

"It's really strange." Lin Tai looked at the actions of these people, and said in his heart: "What are they doing? Isn't it necessary to use the element array? Why should they spread out?"

"Oh, I see, they won't use a single body to release a large array of elements, so are they planning to arrange the formation separately?"

At this time, several teams have appeared in different positions, and Remedio, who is the strongest in melee combat, is still using his connection with the arms to constantly deal with Thor.

Thor can actually kill her at any time, but he now knows what the other party thinks, just waiting for Remedio's means to appear.

As long as the opponent's trump card is defeated head-on, its reputation will spread, and Thor will soon be feared in the San Felipe galaxy.

At this moment, Lin Tai raised his hand suddenly, and began to prepare for the launch of his lightning array.

"You've been fooled! Stupid guy!" Suddenly Remedio let out a horrible laugh, and then she was slapped by Thor and flew out!

"Although you are very powerful, this is my escape route! In the battle of wits with me, Remedio, you lost!"

At this time, Remedio's body had already appeared in a suitable position, and it happened to be connected with the bodies of a dozen paladins.

Afterwards, four huge figures appeared around, and the power of the surrounding elements began to go berserk in an instant.

~Cut, it’s just an elemental array of loyalty, how dare you say it’s a big elemental array?”

Lin Tai also rolled his eyes. If he knew it was just a lineup to strengthen his own elemental power, he wouldn't even arrange a lightning array in advance to destroy it.

But now, since everything is arranged anyway, it will bring them a little bit of despair!

Lin Tai sneered in his heart, and suddenly a thunderbolt fell from the sky, blowing up the entire lineup (Nord's) on the spot, and the surrounding magic circle collapsed in an instant!

"How is this going?"

Finally, Remedio, the Holy Queen, and Priest Abbot all fell in love with him.

For this element array, they spent a lot of resources, and countless soldiers died here, and they were already planning to kill each other.

But at this moment, this thunder directly shattered their formation, so they were stunned for a moment.

"This, is this God's punishment?" The Holy Queen stared blankly at the broken formation in front of her, and muttered to herself: "God, have you really abandoned your people...

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