Thor's strength is really too strong, even among the upper gods, as the evil dragon of hell, he is definitely a top predator.

These mid-gods, who can display part of the strength of the high gods, were brutally killed like children in front of it, without any power to fight back.

Seeing that there is a person rushing towards him suddenly, it is Remedio who is known as the strongest paladin in the San Felipe galaxy.

But with just a shock all over, Thor sent the opponent flying with only his own aura.

Immediately afterwards, Thor raised his head and let out a roar, and countless meteorites fell from the sky immediately.

Mere meteorites, the damage to the middle god and the lower god is very low.

Thor is also very aware of this, so its purpose of launching this attack is not to kill, but to use these meteorites as much as possible to cause damage and interference.

The buildings on the ground began to suffer serious blows. The skill of the meteorite swarm has 300% damage to the buildings, which is enough to destroy most ordinary buildings.

However, some of the more important buildings in the royal city opened their shields at this time, and layers of light green light suddenly appeared, blocking the attack of these meteorites.

Immediately afterwards, the four leaders who had weakened in momentum stood up again.

The Holy Queen, Remedio, Guadandio, and Cruz unleashed their strongest blows at the same time, attacking Thor from four directions.

Thor flapped his wings without hesitation, and the whole dragon quickly lifted into the air, dodging the four attacks.

But at this moment, the four energy collisions combined together did not cancel each other out, but changed the direction of advancement in an instant.

They shot upwards suddenly, and accelerated towards Thor in the air!

"What the hell!"

Thor showed a disgusted expression. All four of them launched their strongest attacks, and they really couldn't dodge at this time.

There was a bang, and four forces fell on Thor's body at the same time, causing a terrifying explosion.

"This time we win!"

Guardandio, Remedio's younger brother, said happily: "It is impossible for anyone to survive such an attack. It must be our victory!"

But at this time, Remedio shook his head.

Her intuition has always been very accurate, but now, she just feels that the attack of the four of her this time probably didn't kill the evil dragon, and maybe even didn't hurt it too much.

And just as Remedio thought, the court high priest Cruz standing next to her suddenly pointed at the sky and shouted: "Look, what is that?!"

In the thick smoke, the black shadow of a giant dragon with its head held high gradually appeared in front of them.

And just when there was an explosion outside, Lin Tai quietly went to the most secret place of the palace, the treasure room of the San Felipe galaxy.

Lin Tai didn't do anything, but just released his aura, and killed all the guards who dared to stand in front of him along the way.

Among them (ceda) there is even a middle god with good strength, who seems to be a full-time warrior guarding the treasure room, but he collapsed before he rushed to Lin Tai.

Lin Tai didn't torture him too much, but said: "Kill yourself."

Then the middle god took the sword in his hand and cut his own throat.

"It's really, really boring...

Lin Tai walked step by step to the door of the treasure room. The entire door was made of diamonds. The beautiful luster shone on the corpses behind Lin Tai, illuminating the lifeless armor on their bodies.

"Seven Doors Crush!"

Stretching out his hand, Lin Tai activated his skills, and the door was blown to pieces immediately, and the largest piece of natural diamond in the San Felipe galaxy disappeared forever in the world

Lin Tai moved on, gold and jewels first appeared in front of him.

He didn't touch it.

Immediately afterwards, weapons and armor appeared in front of Lin Tai, but he still did not touch them.

After walking for a while, Lin Tai saw some special materials, precious metals, etc., all of which were ignored by Lin Tai.

And in the end, Lin Tai finally saw the national treasure in the San Felipe galaxy, a gigantic egg.

Name: organ dragon egg

Type: Consumables

Tier: unknown

Effect: You can hatch a weak mechanism dragon hero, or you can choose to feed it to other giant dragons, so that it can get part of the mechanism dragon blood and open the evolution conditions.

Description: Mechanism dragons are mechanical dragons that seem to be made of metal, but in fact, they are real intelligent life forms that lay eggs. It is said that they have the blood of the bronze dragon king in their bodies.

"Well, I don't know if it's true or not, but looking at the description, it seems that it really is the blood of the bronze dragon."

Thinking of this in his heart, Meng Hao also stretched out his hand and grabbed the shell of the egg head-on, feeling the will of the other side.

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