Without the help of Lin Tai, the combat effectiveness of the army of the current San Felipe galaxy has begun to decline crazily.

As more and more paladins died in battle, the battlefield gradually began to move in a direction that was not good for Remedio.

At this time, Remedio's strength had weakened a lot, coupled with the constant use of potions and skills, this caused a huge load on Remedio's body and spirit.

In other words, the arms in front of her were no longer something she could fight.

And the savage creatures on the other side seem to be alive and well, as if they don't pay attention to the human beings in front of them at all!


"Go in, kill these humans, eat them!"

These savage creatures all roared excitedly, and then charged forward one by one.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly~ it has reached this point!"

Seeing Remedio being knocked down to the ground, Celster felt a sudden tremor in his heart.

He knew very well that Remedio's strength was far inferior to the King of Light, but he was definitely much stronger than ordinary people like himself.

But now, Remedio, who seemed to be invincible at first, was so tired that he didn't even have the ability to resist.

Those nine existences, which seemed extremely powerful at first glance, actually caused such huge damage to it!

Thinking of this, Celest also showed an angry face, and said: "Damn wild creature, look at the arrow!"

He said these words very loudly, and instantly attracted the attention of several lords of wild creatures in front of him.

But when they turned their heads to look at Celeste, suddenly an arrow shot out from behind and pierced directly into the back of a Galaxy Demon Ape.


The Galaxy Demon Ape spat out a mouthful of blood in an instant, the arrow pierced into its heart from behind, and took it away without any suspense.

Immediately afterwards, Celster fired another volley of arrows, and dozens of arrows suddenly fell from his mouth, attacking the leaders of those savage creatures.

However, although the speed of these arrows is very fast, their power is still a bit weak.

"Hahaha, you are really at the level of your father." A star river tree king who looked very old said: "But you are still too young, "I will give it back to you!"

As he said that, it immediately released a large amount of vines, grabbed these arrows in an instant, and then swung them suddenly, and all the arrows hit Celeste's body in the opposite direction.

However, this attack attracted the attention of these people and bought a little time for Remedio who was knocked down.

Remedio immediately activated the healing skills of the holy light system, healed his serious injuries, restored some energy to his body, and quickly backed away, watching the nine powerful savage creatures in front of him very vigilantly.

"Okay, stop playing."

At this time, a black shadow suddenly came out and said: "The lives of these guys need to be given to Team Thor now!"

As it said that, it opened its big mouth directly, and sprayed a black mist straight towards Cook Star.

There are countless bug-like things in the black mist, and they attacked the paladins in front of them without hesitation.

The paladin immediately used skills to protect the body of the pillar, and then launched attacks towards the front one after another.

...asking for flowers......

It's just that the reaction speed of these bugs is still very fast.

The attack of the paladins came, they turned around to avoid the attack without hesitation, and then gathered again and rushed forward, but the black mist lost some.

Then, they rushed into the queue of paladins and continued to harass.

Because a large number of bugs suddenly appeared around them, the terrifying noise and airflow interfered with the battle of the paladins, and they soon became unable to withstand the enemy's attacks.

The savage creatures in front of them attacked more and more fiercely, and at the same time, the 80 trillion difference in numbers gradually became apparent.


Savage creatures can go to rest directly when they are tired, after all, there are still many people behind them.

And the paladins have no room to rest, they are few in number, and some paladins used the holy extraction device before, making themselves even weaker.

"The battle has reached its peak."

Standing in front of the window, Lin Tai nodded, and then said to a black shadow behind him: "Let's launch a full-scale attack now, and remember to inflict the worst fear on these people."


Looking at the battlefield with heavy casualties in front of him, Lin Tai couldn't help but said, "My battle is about to begin soon. As for how many casualties will be suffered on Cook Star, it depends on your luck."

After speaking, Lin Tai also immediately began to use skills to wrap his whole body.

As long as the paladins of the San Felipe galaxy cannot stop the enemy's attack and suffer heavy casualties, Lin Tai will appear to save the people and these paladins when they are desperate, and justifiably take away the people's trust door. .

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