Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1891: Celeste Died In Battle

At this time, the war, as Lin Tai said, reached its peak.

Whether it is the front line or the transportation line, they are all going through a very severe test now!

No one can rest in battle, even ordinary teenagers need to carry stones and blocks to the battlefield.

Although these things do not have the effect of weapons, they can at least block the speed of the opponent's advance. Once the outermost paladins are defeated, this will be their last front!

Celster was assigned here. Seeing that the frontmost paladins had begun to show signs of defeat, and then more and more wild creatures began to approach the city wall in "four six seven", Celster knew that , Your own test has arrived!

He just dodged the arrow thrown back by the Xinghe Tree King, and he missed the arrow, but a bloody wound was cut on his face.

But Selster didn't snort at all, he grabbed the bow and arrow on his body again, and kept attacking forward,

Although Celeste is not a hero, he is indeed a low god-level NPC, and his attacks also have many group attack skills.

It's just that compared to the terrifying number of savage creatures in front of us, even a group attack can cause very little damage, and a large number of savage creatures are still advancing!

"This guy is really strong..."

A king of wild creatures in the distance said: "During this period of time, more than 10 million of our troops have been killed by him, so let's get rid of this guy as soon as possible."


At this time, Galaxy Tiger King Kyle nodded, and then said to one of his subordinates: "Green Leopard Beast, lead your troops to defeat him!"

"Yes Master!"

The green leopard let out a roar, and in an instant its body became as huge as a planet.

Then it brought its own men, the Green Panther Legion with a number of about 3 trillion, and charged towards Celeste in front.

Seeing this, Celeste immediately prepared to launch an attack, but there were too many opponents, and except for a few guards around Celeste, most of them were transport teams!

"Damn, now, now what should I do?"

Lin Tai's gentle words to him, as well as the other party's firm gaze when he hoped that he would come back, came to mind, and the corners of Celeste's eyes got wet on the spot.

But then he turned his head and looked at the planet behind him. There are countless poor people on Cook Planet. They have not been killed yet, but once they even give up on themselves, who else can save them?

In the end, Celeste still chose the latter in terms of personal and promises and protecting the people.

"I'm sorry, Lord Guangming, I can't go back this time!"

As he said that, tears flowed down the corners of Celeste's eyes, and he immediately threw away the bow and arrow in his hand, replaced it with a long sword, and rushed towards the enemy who was already close at hand!


He killed a green leopard with his first sword, but before the next attack fell, a huge force suddenly hit his body.

Celster flew out on the spot.

It was the Green Leopard who did it.

The opponent is the guard of Galaxy Tiger King Kyle, who has not acted during this period of time, but Selster has been shooting all the time, and the gap in physical strength is very huge.

"Hahaha, human, you are dead!"

Saying that, the green leopard suddenly raised its paw, and slammed it down on the human in front of it...

"Lord Celeste!"

Suddenly there was a voice.

There was only a sound of "puff", the attack did not fall on Celeste, but a woman helped him resist the attack.

This woman is the mother whose child was killed by Lin Tai before, but now, she seems to have figured it out, instead of continuing to be decadent, she joined the army against the wild galaxy

However, as a demigod, she only blocked the opponent's attack for a second, and her body was torn apart, helping Celeste gain time to retreat.

After her, more and more people rushed up, all of them were civilians who were moved by Celeste, one after another rushed towards the enemy.

But in the end, they didn't play any role, and were just overwhelmed by the Green Panther army.

"Hahaha, what a bunch of ignorant people!"

The green leopard's claw pierced Celster's chest, and he had lost the strength to resist, so he could only look at him helplessly.


But at this moment, Selster's body suddenly lightened, and his body fell to the ground.

And beside him, a familiar figure also appeared.

He is Lin Tai, the invincible King of Light in Celeste's heart.

"You've done a good job, then, leave it to me." Lin Tai's tone was very gentle, and Celeste closed his eyes as if satisfied.

Lin Tai didn't pay attention to him any more, but looked at the green leopard beast in front of him.

Stared at by Lin Tai at this time, the monster's hair was blown up, and it was crouching on the ground, not daring to move. .

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