At this time, the lords of the three prehistoric galaxies who defeated Remedio, Galaxy Tiger King Kyle, Galaxy Monkey King Roger De, and Galaxy Shark Aisart rushed straight to a large group of paladins in front.

Now the paladin's hero, Remedio, has almost lost his ability to fight, so the hero gain is almost weakened.

Star River Shark Aisat rushed to the front, opened its mouth suddenly, and sprayed out a very thick stream of water, which suddenly hit the Paladin team.

"Use the Holy Shield!"

Paladins are quite versatile. Seeing that they are about to be attacked by the enemy, they used the Holy Shield skill at that moment.

The trillions of paladins used the holy shield at the same time, and the energy in their bodies was concentrated in front of them, and they really blocked the enemy's attack.

But at this moment, their faces suddenly turned pale.

Because the strength of the Xinghe 24 Mad Shark is really too strong, it caused a terrible impact on them on the spot, and directly knocked this group of people out.

Immediately afterwards, the Galaxy Shark let out a roar, and there were three trillion Galaxy Sharks rushing forward on the spot.

Their speed in the universe is still very fast, as if they are speeding in the ocean.

Immediately afterwards, these star river sharks rushed directly into the group of paladins, and with a sudden swing of their bodies, they knocked out a large group of paladins around them on the spot.

There were also some paladins who didn't even have time to resist, and were directly swallowed by the star river shark, and were quickly slaughtered.

And at this time, the Xinghe Monkey King also came here, grabbed a huge long stick out of thin air in his hand on the spot, and then slammed it down towards these people in front of him.

Even the Star River Shark was placed within the range of its attack. If this blow hits, it can instantly kill a large number of paladins.


These people looked at the long sticks that were gradually enlarging in front of them, and all of them showed panicked expressions.

And at this moment, the moment they were about to be hit, a figure suddenly blocked in front of them, and then suddenly a very thick wall of light appeared in front of them.


A muffled sound sounded, and Xinghe Monkey King's attack was immediately blocked, and Xinghe Monkey King did not expect that the other party could actually block his own attack.

"It's really good, it can still block my attack."

As he said that, the Xinghe Monkey King suddenly swung the long stick in his hand, and directly attacked Lin Tai in front of him again.

But Lin Tai is not easy to mess with. The moment the opponent attacked, Lin Tai also raised his hand, and a big knife appeared in his hand on the spot.


The attacks of the two sides collided fiercely, and countless sparks erupted on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai's body also took a step forward suddenly, and the weapon shook on the spot, directly knocking out the opponent's long stick.

And at this moment, Remedio, who was beaten to the ground, also looked at Lin Tai in front of him, and suddenly his right fist was tightly grasping the wolf's fist on the ground ten times.

She said in a very bad tone: "You, why did you appear here?"

"Uh..." Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Of course I'm here to help. w

At this time, Remedio said angrily: "Remove the wall!"


Lin Tai also didn't think about what the other party was talking about, and was stunned on the spot.

Then the Remedio in front of him continued to say angrily: "I told you to cancel the wall, can't you do it?!"


Nai shrugged his shoulders, and then he canceled the wall, and immediately Remedio led the remaining paladins to attack other battlefields

At this time, there was only the last Lin Tai present.

At this time, the three savage creature lords, Galaxy Monkey King 003, Galaxy Shark, and Galaxy Tiger King, looked at the lonely Lin Tai in front of them, and said with smiles: "Hahaha

It's really pitiful to be left here alone!"

"Now you are left alone, although you can block an attack from the Galaxy Monkey King, but facing the three of us, you are also an existence that will be defeated soon?

As he said that, the Xinghe Monkey King also rushed forward suddenly, and at the same time the Xinghe Tiger King was also on the side. Both sides suddenly changed into human forms, and then suddenly broke out a burst of attacks.

Although the attacks of the two are not combo skills, they can only achieve the effect of one plus one equals two.

But the superposition of the attacks of these two middle gods is really quite terrifying, and a cosmic storm was set off on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai also raised his hand suddenly, and a burst of light energy appeared on Lin Tai's right hand, and then suddenly blocked forward, blocking the attack.

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