"Has it finally appeared?"

Lin Tai let out a sneer at this moment.

In fact, Lin Tai only sent a light element lord, just to lure the snake out of the hole.

Because he got the news before that a very strong existence seemed to appear in this place, so Lin Tai was also going to see who he was and what his strength was.

This time, Lin Tai only sent a middle god (actually a pseudo-high god) to attack. As long as the opponent has a high god, he can easily kill him. If there is only a middle god, he will be killed by the light element lord. crushed.

And in the end, as expected, a god from the upper "Nine Zero Zero" appeared to save the scene.

Naturally, it was the fiery red ball of light that Lin Tai saw.

Lin Tai didn't know it, but after Lin Tai came to this universe, he never gave up searching for information, and what finally appeared in front of him were four beings who were likely to have the power of a high god.

They are the four gods of earth, fire, water and wind.

That's right, it is the four-pillar god.

According to legend, there are four absolute powerhouses in this galaxy, namely the four powerful beings of earth, fire, water, and wind. They guard the entire universe and are the patron saints of the entire universe.

But from Lin Tai's point of view, this guy seems to be only at the level of a high god!

Lin Tai doesn't mean that he is inflated, but he now has four high gods under his command, and with himself, he has five.

And he has a lot of false high gods, now he doesn't have to worry about the opponents of the middle gods, so he can easily defeat any high gods.

If it is only the upper god, even if it is four, it is not difficult for the current Lin Tai to solve.

The only problem is whether the legendary four-pillar gods have any hidden powers, such as becoming a supreme god or something after being combined. Anyway, if it is like this, Lin Tai can run, but at least one of the upper gods must be sacrificed hero.

This is unacceptable to Lin Tai anyway.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lin Tai suddenly said: "In this case, let's analyze the information we have obtained again. This time the enemy deserves our careful attention." 1

A month later, Lin Tai's army approached the city.

At this time, the King Saros galaxy is also in chaos.

A large number of planets have been captured by Lin Tai.

And when they got the news, that is, Lin Tai's siege failed a month ago. Now Lin Tai has occupied half of the King Saros galaxy, and the remaining units have been blocked by King Saros. The gate of the capital of the galaxy.

Facing Lin Tai's army, everyone in the Wang Saros galaxy panicked. They didn't know what to do now.

"Report, Master Master!"

At this time, a person suddenly came to Lin Tai, bowed to him, and then said: "Master Juggernaut [King Saros' army is in chaos!"

"What? They messed themselves up?"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "What's going on?"

"Actually, several people asked to see me."

"Let them come."

Soon, several people came up, knelt in front of Lin Tai exaggeratedly, and said, "Master Guangming, we have killed the second prince of the Saros galaxy who was still trying to resist the king. This is his head!"

As they said that, they brought up a head...

These people are all nobles who participated in the battle, but they are afraid of Lin Tai's power, so they want to surrender.

Instead of choosing to surrender, the second prince of the King Saros Galaxy who rejected the opinions of these people was killed by them.

In front of Lin Tai at this time, these nobles were still bragging about how they had killed the man in front of them dangerously in their heroic battle just now.

But Lin Tai just looked at these people and didn't say anything.

"Master Bright King, you..."

At this time, a person came up to speak, but before he could say anything, Lin Tai waved his hand suddenly and wiped out the person in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of guards around Lin Tai rushed up, killed them all within minutes, and then left their bodies aside.

Lin Tai hates traitors very much.

These people can betray the original galaxy, so they can betray themselves, and the expressions of these people made Lin Tai very unhappy, so they were all killed in a short period of time in 2.2.

"Okay, now the enemy's army is in chaos, let's rush in."

With that said, Lin Tai gave the order.

The troops who received the order rushed towards the enemy in front of them in an instant.

Without giving them a chance to gather at all, this large piece of light elements killed and smashed the troops of King Saros Galaxy, and then went straight to the front!

After the army was defeated, neither the city nor the city gate could block Lin Tai's big house.

The majestic city wall in the king's capital of the Saros galaxy was easily overthrown!.

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