In an instant, it seemed that the entire King Saros galaxy fell in an instant.

However, just as Lin Tai continued to walk towards the interior, suddenly a person rushed out and attacked Lin Tai in front of him.

Lin Tai knew him, he was an adventurer in the King Saros galaxy, and he once teamed up with his avatar to fight.

But now Lin Tai is too lazy to reminisce about the past with him, a burst of energy came out directly, directly shaking the adventurer's whole body into powder.

Immediately afterwards, he also started to move forward, and soon saw a person appearing in front of him.

It is the person who killed a light element lord before, the red spherical monster named the God of Fire.

At this time, Lin Tai also looked at the other party walking towards him, and suddenly said: "If you want to stop me, it is simply wishful thinking!"

As he said that, Lin Tai burst forward with a terrifying force 24, crushing the opponent from all directions.

But it also didn't respond, it blocked Lin Tai's attack head-on, and then raised its hand, and suddenly a huge pillar of fire also appeared at Lin Tai's feet.

Both sides' attacks all hit each other, but none of them caused any damage, but slowed down the opponent's speed.

Then they began to continue to attack each other, but there was no progress. It seemed that the strength gap between the two sides was not big.

But at this moment, three more figures suddenly appeared behind Lin Tai, and suddenly hit his body.

"Huh? How is this possible?"

However, Lin Tai's reaction made them feel strange and frightened.

Because when Lin Tai was attacked by the three of them at the same time, he didn't show any signs of injury at all, but still stood there motionless.

"Don't be afraid, he's only one!"

At this time, the God of Fire, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "The four of us beat him up, and we can definitely kill him in a very short time!"

As he said that, a ball of flame appeared in his hands, and then suddenly attacked Lin Tai in front of him.

Almost at the same time, another huge figure appeared behind the God of Fire.

This is the god of water who came to support him.

Although fire and water are incompatible, these two have the best relationship among the four.

Seeing the two high gods attacking him, Lin Tai also smiled slightly, and then his body disappeared in an instant.

And what came out first was a gleaming puppet, which was crushed into powder in an instant.

"No, this guy ran away!"

The God of Earth said angrily.

The God of Wind immediately retorted: "No, he didn't disappear, he's still around here! There must be some special plan!"

But before he finished speaking, Lin Tai suddenly thrust forward, punching the God of Wind in the back of the heart, and then his body flew out directly.

Afterwards, Lin Tai also summoned four other highgod heroes on the spot. Linglong, Thor, Katok, and Sufiel appeared here in an instant, and launched an attack on the surrounding people on the spot.

The eight high gods collided with each other in an instant, while Lin Tai retreated a distance in an instant.

Linglong was fighting against the God of Wind. At this time, Linglong summoned her own family members, the birth and death dragon, who was still in the state of life dragon, and immediately formed an army formation.

The God of Wind also summoned the Storm Warriors, who also formed an army formation.

The army formation composed of birth and death dragons summoned a huge light green dragon phantom in the sky, and sprayed a big mouthful of green dragon's breath towards the eyes.

And the wind elements in front of them also formed a super huge tornado, and then raised their hands, directly blocked the green dragon phantom's breath with their palms.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides launched a crazy battle.

And several other people also started to fight, especially 633, Katok was the most outstanding and different.

The water god right in front of him assembled his troops to form an army formation, and summoned a huge, mirror-like monster.

At this time, Katok suddenly summoned the army array at the same time, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"what is going on?"

Shendu, the native superiors of several King Saros galaxy present, was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, Katok suddenly appeared behind the God of Wind, and suddenly slashed out with a knife.

Different from other army formations, Katok's ability is to concentrate the power of all his clansmen on a pair of scythes in his arms.

But due to special effects, this kind of power cannot be combined into defensive power, and can only be used for single-person attacks.

At this moment, he directly cut off the illusion of the military formation created by the God of Wind in front of him with one knife, and then attacked God of Wind at high speed again with one knife.

And at this moment, the God of Wind retreated abruptly, dodging the attack. .

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