"Don't worry, it's the Undead Aggregators who can't stand my attack, that's why they let the troops retreat.

Lin Tai said in the voice: "You immediately lead your troops to catch up! We will get rid of them in a short time!"

"it is good!"

The rest of the people all nodded in agreement, and then quickly led their troops to catch up with the enemy ahead.

Originally, the leaders of these arms were undead generals one by one. Their IQs were low, so after receiving the order from the undead aggregator, they immediately began to retreat without hesitation.

But there is a problem with this kind of retreat, that is, one's rear is completely exposed to the enemy. Once the opponent chooses to pursue, they will immediately suffer unimaginable casualties.

That's it for now.

After receiving Lin Tai's order, these players who originally lured the undead to go in other directions, also 24 immediately chased after them from behind.

It stands to reason that their arms are not actually the opponents of these undead.

But the order of the undead aggregator made these undead dare not fight back at all, and they were quickly chased up, and they attacked frantically from behind, and more and more undead were killed.

Afterwards, these also chased after them, and they immediately saw that the Undead Gatherer had been beaten into a human form by Lin Tai, and at the same time, the four billion soldiers around it were also slaughtered, leaving only less than Three trillion yuan is nothing.

At this time, the number of undead catching up from other positions was 4 trillion, of which 2 trillion were killed by these people, that's all.

Moreover, because these four trillion undead units have been pursued all the time, they have entered an unbearable state and have begun to collapse.

Now their combat power is completely inferior to the four trillion undead before. Lin Tai's troops are in a state of defeating the enemy and their morale is high, so they turned back and attacked the enemies in front of them.

Without any hesitation, these undead were defeated.

At this time, the undead aggregator saw that his unit was defeated just after returning, so the undead aggregator also lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight and immediately turned around and prepared to flee.

"Want to run?"

Lin Tai sneered, and then his body rushed up quickly, grabbed the opponent's shoulder, squeezed it suddenly, and the opponent's body was broken in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai grabbed the soul of the Undead Aggregator and shattered it with a light pinch.

As for the rest of his units, after they realized that their hero had been killed, they immediately lost their will to fight, and were quickly killed continuously, becoming pieces of material.

"Get ready to clean up the battlefield.

Lin Tai said casually, and then went to touch the corpse of the undead gatherer.

It's just that like all the previous bosses, Undead Aggregator is also a guy without any good things. Lin Tai wiped it casually, and all he got from it were tools.

Lin Tai put all these things that he might use later into his backpack, and then walked in another direction.

"What's wrong?"

Dracula asked immediately.

And Lin Tai also said: "I got a thing, it seems that I can connect with a thing."

With that said, Lin Tai also walked up.

At this time, the rest of the people also followed, and Lin Tai looked around while walking. Unexpectedly, the purple mist around him also gradually dissipated.

What finally appeared in front of them turned out to be a very quiet and peaceful village, but there were too many people in this village.

This village can even be said to be the size of a super huge kingdom, but there are no facilities at all, and there are very ordinary houses everywhere. It seems that it is really backward in a special drama.

And just as they approached the past, they suddenly saw a tauren walking out.


Lin Tai was stunned for a moment, but 450 did not expect that the previous undead enemies were transformed from tauren. After all, the bodies of those undead were a bit rotten, and even the horns could not be seen.

"However, if the tauren were to be, would it become that kind of strange thing...if it was a centaur, it might be possible.

With that said, Lin Tai also stood in front of everyone.

Although the other party looked like a relatively normal tauren, since the undead tauren outside believed in the natural disaster of the undead, he was prepared just in case, and it would be bad if this guy suddenly attacked.

But at this time, the tauren didn't launch an attack, but stood at a relatively far away place, and performed a special etiquette for the tauren clan to Lin Tai and several others.

"Excuse me, are you people from outside?"

"That's right, it's us." Lin Tai nodded.

Hearing this, the tauren on the opposite side seemed quite excited.

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