Then the tauren said immediately: "Great, great, finally someone from outside came to us!"

At this time it said very excitedly: "Come in with me!"

Several other people glanced at each other, and finally focused their eyes on Lin Tai.

"Let's go."

Lin Tai nodded.

Then he took the initiative to go up, took his own people and walked over, and soon entered a relatively pit place, and there were many small houses beside it.

A group of small tauren lived in these small houses. They looked at these people who appeared suddenly, and seemed to have no idea what these people were.

That's right, these tauren have lived here for a long time, so they can't recognize humans at all, and even many adult tauren don't know people of other races.

"Come with me, our Young Khan is waiting for your arrival.

With that said, they walked into a huge tent.

At this time, a person was waiting here, who didn't look very similar to other tauren, sitting together at this moment, as if waiting for Lin Tai's arrival.


Both sides bowed to each other.

Although Lin Tai is a high god, in fact, both in terms of strength and status, he far exceeds this tauren.

But the energy in this tauren has also reached the peak of the middle god. In fact, it seems that it will break through soon, but there is something that is forcibly suppressing its cultivation.

Because of this, buying talents is a middle god.

Lin Tai looked at the other party's name, it was Ansulite, followed by a Shao Khan.

"Sit down, warrior from afar, I think we need to talk."

As they spoke, the two sat face to face, but the rest of the people did not sit down, but stood behind Lin Tai.

In this way, the Tauren Shao Khan also knew the relationship between these people, and it was the person who sat down who took the lead.

Then, he also said: "Since you can find this place, has it been discovered outside, and the army will come to rescue us soon?"

"Sorry, no army will come to save you."

Lin Tai immediately said: "We discovered this place and came in to explore, so only we can help you."


At this time, the Tauren Shao Khan also sucked in a breath of cold air.

Because what he didn't expect was that there was only such a team of adventurers this time, so he showed a look of despair on the spot.

"Although we are small in number, each of us has more than tens of trillions of arms, and the undead gatherers outside have been killed by us."

Hearing that Lin Tai had killed the undead gatherer, Tauren Young Khan immediately showed a happy expression on his face, but immediately became a little painful again.

"What's wrong?" Lin Tai asked.

"In fact, those infected undead are all warriors of our clan."

At this time, the Tauren Shao Khan sighed a little and then began to tell the cause and effect of this incident.

It turned out that these tauren were the ones that survived the battle in ancient times. They hid in a special space and slowly multiplied.

But suddenly one day, the Scourge of the Undead discovered this place, and came to attack and occupy this place.

A large number of tauren warriors who tried to resist the natural disaster of the undead were killed and infected to become undead, and became the opponent's puppet warriors, and began to help them kill their own people.

And the tribe that appeared in front of Lin Tai was some people who were hiding at that time, using a special energy field to wrap themselves up.

And that undead aggregator is actually a middle god who wants to go out to see if the undead disaster has left, and whether he can go out and start a new life.

But what I didn't expect was that the tauren warrior was killed by the breath of the undead as soon as he approached the sealed hole and turned into an undead gatherer.

~So it turns out, these monsters are indeed the undead that the tauren turned into with their bodies, but they don’t look very similar, is it because of the correction of the natural disaster of the undead?”

Thinking this way in his heart, Lin Tai didn't say anything to the Tauren Shao Khan (of Zhao's) in front of him, but said: "So, if we can help, how can we help you?"

"I need you to kill my father......"

The Tauren Shao Khan suddenly showed an extremely sad expression.

"Kill your father?"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment, he never expected that the Tauren Shao Khan in front of him was actually a dutiful son.

"No, you may have misunderstood."

The Tauren Shao Khan also said immediately: "In fact, a part of our protective layer has been destroyed, and my father blocked it alone in order to prevent the tribe from being turned into undead...".

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