Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1935: Three Showdowns

Lin Tai made a guarantee on the spot.

Then he also looked at the young Khan in front of him, and said, "I will get a result that will satisfy everyone in this battle."

"To please everyone?"

Shao Khan didn't understand what Lin Tai was saying for a while, but seeing how confident Lin Tai was, he also nodded~ his head.

Then, Shao Khan also said: "But since it is a formal challenge, then we must go through the formal process - it will work!"

As he said that, he waved his hand, and someone immediately brought some things.

These things look like equipment skill books and the like, and at first glance they are relatively high-end goods.

"This battle, according to our rules, is to fight three times in a row, which are single-handed, commander-in-chief, and random melee. If you are a powerful person, you need to send three different people to face your own strength."

As he said that, Shao Khan also looked at the people brought behind Lin Tai.

"And as long as you can defeat the person sent by the other party, you can choose one of these things."

These few people are low-gods and mid-gods, and they are really nothing in this tauren tribe. The only advantage is probably the identity of the players.

So now, Lin Tai also said: "Then let's start, the first heads-up, Dracula you go."

Yes, besides Lin Tai, the strongest among these people is Dracula.

And although Lin Tai can basically crush anyone here, but since Lin Tai is now the leader of a power, if he does everything by himself, it would be too cheating.

Isn't this making others look down on yourself and your power?

And although his strength is not strong, it is very strange. Ordinary creatures really can't find any benefits in front of him, especially clumsy tauren.

At this time, under Lin Tai's instruction, Dracula stepped onto the ring without hesitation.

But Shao Khan's younger brother casually pointed at him, and immediately a tauren commander Wan Fu stood on the ring, staring at Dracula in front of him with disdainful eyes.

Dracula is just too young.

The chief ten thousand can see that this human seems to have not been fully digested the divine power in his body not long after he became a middle god, so it is almost impossible for him to be his opponent

So now, he also looked at Dracula in front of him with disdain.

"Brother, can this subordinate of yours really do it?"

At this time, Shao Khan was also a little dazed, you know, once Lin Tai's subordinates lose, not only Lin Tai's own people will be lost, but also his face will be lost!

But as if he knew Shao Khan's concerns, Lin Tai nodded, and then said: "Don't worry, this subordinate of mine is still very powerful. Although his divine power fluctuates in general, but his ability is weird and unpredictable. It's almost impossible for someone who doesn't know him to win.

"That's good."

With Lin Tai's assurance, Khan also nodded.

At this moment, Dracula rushed up suddenly.

And the Tauren Captain Wan who stood in front of him let out a roar on the spot, and then he swung the totem pole in his hand directly, and smashed it down towards Dracula in front of him quite forcefully.

This blow is very terrifying, and it also adds the magic on the totem pole, which is quite powerful.

...asking for flowers...

And Dracula didn't mean to dodge.

Seeing this, the tauren commander Wan showed a smug smile on his face, as if he had seen that his attack had immediately severely damaged the enemy in front of him.

As for the other people who were watching the battle, some people who had no stand also showed their eyes that they couldn't bear to watch.

Even Shao Khan looked at Lin Tai who was a little nervous.

But after seeing Lin Tai's calm expression, and remembering what Lin Tai said just now, Shao Khan felt relieved again.

The moment Dracula was about to be hit, his body turned into a plume of black smoke and flew out. At the same time, countless bats suddenly appeared, rushing towards the enemy's position along the totem pole.

At this time, the Tauren Chief Wan suddenly waved the totem pole in his hand, and began to attack the bat in front of him fiercely.

The attack of the tauren captain ten thousand is very fierce, but the bat that Dracula turned into is also quite flexible, and it has a half-empty, half-solid body.

At this moment, they dodged the attack of the tauren commander ten thousand suddenly, and then quickly landed on the body of the tauren commander ten thousand, and began to suck its blood.

The Tauren Commander Wan let out a roar, and a burst of terrifying divine power erupted all over his body in an instant, and then he gave the bats out.

But just when the Tauren Chief Wan wanted to fight back, all of the bats suddenly disappeared in place, and then a human figure was formed behind the Tauren Chief Wan again.


He suddenly turned around and punched Xi at the opponent. .

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