The reaction of the Tauren Commander Wan has to be said to be very subtle, and the timing is quite good. Generally, it is difficult for people with the same strength as him to dodge, and they can only resist with their bodies.

If the enemy does not have life-saving skills now, then this shot falls on the body, and it can cause high damage output to the opponent in an instant.

However, the attack of the Tauren Commander Wan did not fall on him.

Because it was not Dracula who appeared behind the Tauren Chief Wan at this time, but a simple phantom.

The fist of the tauren commander Wan directly pierced through the opponent's body, but he didn't kill him at all.

Immediately afterwards, the body of Dracula "317" appeared behind the Tauren Chief Wanfu, and then suddenly ten claws inserted into the heart of the Tauren Fang Quchang.

At the same time, the phantom he summoned inserted its paw into the body of the Tauren Chief Wan.



Immediately, two bloody swords sprayed out from the wounds on the body of the Tauren Chief Wan.

Immediately afterwards, Dracula also kicked the Tauren Wan Fuchang's calf, and his heavy body fell to his knees instantly.


This blow completely irritated the Tauren Captain Wan, it stood up suddenly, and then threw the totem pole in its hand towards Dracula fiercely again.

"This time, the winner will be decided."

Lin Tai said suddenly.


Shao Khan didn't understand Lin Tai's meaning, he immediately turned his head and asked: "Although your people have successfully hurt the heart of this ten thousand commander, but for a god, such an injury is not fatal. Yes, how can you be so sure?"

"this is very simple."

Lin Tai nodded, and then said: "Although the opponent's strength is also very good, once he is wounded by Dracula, it is basically over.

Just after Lin Tai finished speaking, Dracula in front of him suddenly backed away, avoiding the attack of the totem pole of the Tauren Captain Wanfu again.

Immediately afterwards, Dracula stretched out his hand and made a long move towards the tauren Wan Fu in front, and immediately a lot of blood gushed out from his wound


Feeling that his blood was being drained, the Tauren Commander Wan immediately let out a scream, and his face turned pale instantly.

A large amount of blood was drawn, and immediately the Tauren Chief Wan also felt that he was starting to become weak.

Because Dracula's blood extraction is not just blood, but also the divine power and vitality stored in the blood, that's why the tauren, who is also a high god, is suffering so much.

"I see."

Seeing the situation in front of him, the young Khan also understood the meaning of Lin Tai's words. After all, the opponent's strength is really good, and he still has such terrifying power.

But the Tauren Captain Wan still wanted to continue to fight back, Dracula also rushed up in an instant, and suddenly kicked it in the chest.

This kick knocked out 10% of the Tauren Chief Wanfu's health on the spot, and directly caused him serious damage.

"Wait, stop calling!"

The Tauren Chief Wan waved his hand on the spot, and said, "I lost!"

Immediately, Shao Khan's younger brother let out an angry roar, but his own people did lose, and the loss was ugly, so he couldn't get angry.

At this time, Dracula did not go to get the reward, but walked in front of Lin Tai.

What he meant was very clear, that is, he needed Lin Tai's permission before he went back to get things. .

"Go pick one, you deserve it."

Lin Tai nodded.

Then, Dracula found the Tauren's quartermaster, and got something from his hand, something that looked like a glove.

This is a medium artifact level weapon, a hand-to-hand combat weapon, and can enhance his one-handed output effect.

Although its own bonus is relatively weak compared to medium artifacts, its ability is quite suitable for Dracula.


Shao Khan walked up to Lin Tai and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that your subordinates seem to be average in strength, but they are so powerful in battle.

Lin Tai shook his head, and then said: "Can we proceed to the next battle? In fact, I'm also in a hurry. I need to get to the innermost part as soon as possible."

"Well, is that so?"

Hearing Lin Tai's words, Shao Khan also nodded.

Although he didn't quite understand why Lin Tai did this, but now he really has a high degree of favorability, so he also looked at his stupid brother.

Shao Khan asked: "Now you are ready to start the second battle. You choose your own candidate." 17

"Hmph, you don't need to remind me!"

Shao Khan's younger brother said disdainfully: "This time is more than the control of the arms, Tirtant, this time the battle is up to you!"

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