Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1937 Confrontation Road

At this time, the one who appeared in front of Lin Tai and his group was Tirtant, a member of Shao Khan's younger brother.

His own strength is very strong, and he is even more powerful in the control of arms.

In fact, he is a powerful hero of Shao Khan's younger brother, but as an NPC, there is no relationship between the hero and the master, just like the undead general who was originally an undead hero. Be a hero.

Moreover, NPCs generally can only carry arms with the same attributes as themselves, or the same occupation or race, except for special existence, so it is relatively easy to target.

Because in the real sense, only the undead aggregator can trigger hero skills, so the rest of the undead generals, once they are under the command of the undead aggregator, can only be used as small leaders of a legion.

At this time, Lin Tai was not ready to continue fighting.

Lin Tai took a little look at the attribute data card of the Tirtant in front of him, ready to see what the attributes of this 24 gangs are.

Name: Tirtant

Race: Tauren

Rank: middle god

Attribute: wood attribute

Occupation: Giant Wood Totem Guardian

Hero skill: All attributes of all wood attribute units under him are increased by 200%, and during battle, the speed of life recovery is regarded as ten times.

Description: A tauren born with a special ability to be plant-friendly.

"Well, it's the wood attribute."

In fact, against the wood attribute, it would be more appropriate for Dracula to fight with his black flying dragon with the power of lava, but now Dracula has already fought the enemy again, if he is sent again, there is a kind of Lin Tai The feeling that no one under his command can fight.

At other times, Lin Tai can actually send heroes to play, but Lin Tai is currently in a dungeon, and this dungeon does not regard heroes as units that can communicate.

In the plot, the only people who can confront NPCs head-on are players.


After thinking for a while, Lin Tai also looked at Huo Fenghuang at the side, and said: "This time, it's up to you.

Anyway, it's not the master's battle. In the situation where only arms can be used to fight, the only thing the master can do is command experience and hero skills.

As a low-god, Huo Fenghuang's hero skills are naturally much weaker than the opponent's, but her hero skills are functional, so in fact, she won't be at a disadvantage in battle.

The hero skills of the fire phoenix are: All fire or bird units on our side will increase their attributes by 100% during battle, all attacks will have 20% additional fire damage, and the one trillion units that die first can be resurrected with half blood immediately.

Although it is a rare resurrection skill, one trillion is really nothing to the current battles that cost tens of trillions.

At this time, Fire Phoenix also nodded, and then directly jumped onto the ring with an elegant posture, followed by Tirtant also jumped up.

"Get ready to fight."

"Wait a moment!"

But at this time, Lin Tai suddenly raised his hand to stop the fight from starting.

"What's the matter?" Khan the Tauren Younger at the side also asked immediately.

"This time we are facing a big enemy, and normal fighting cannot consume too much power."

Lin Tai's words are really reasonable, so both Shao Khan and Shao Khan's younger brother agree.

"Since it's an internal battle, then just use one trillion units to fight. Even if it's all losses, you won't worry about losing combat effectiveness."

"Well, you're right, I agree." Shao Khan's younger brother first agreed with this statement, after all, he didn't want his Tirtant to lose too many troops.

You must know that now he is fighting with his big brother, if he loses too much power in this battle, it will be really troublesome.

Fire Phoenix glanced at Lin Tai gratefully. She knew that Lin Tai knew her hero skills, and she said this to reduce her losses and increase her winning rate. 040

After all, if there are only one trillion fighting each other, then it can be said that all the arms of the Fire Phoenix can be resurrected once.

In this case, she naturally has a great advantage.

"The battle begins!"

Once again the fight started as the referee let out another roar.

At this time, the fire elemental pikemen of the fire phoenix were summoned, while the opponent's Tirtant waved his hand and summoned a trillion giant wood totem warriors.

The giant wooden totem warriors are actually all tauren, and they wear armor made entirely of vines [while also carrying a very thick wooden pillar on their shoulders.

There is still a very special pattern wrapped around the pillar at this time, and it looks like it has a very special wood attribute power.

Then the battle began.

At this moment, Tirtant controlled his giant wooden totem warriors and rushed forward. They waved the totem poles in their hands, and the surrounding energy suddenly surged. .

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