"Is it really okay for you to send this woman to fight?"

At this time, Khan the Tauren was also sitting beside Lin Tai, reaching out and patted his shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Tai turned around and asked.

"Um... is the woman you sent really okay?"

Tauren Shao Khan asked in disbelief: "Her combat power doesn't seem to be strong, only a low god. And the giant wooden totem warrior is one of the most powerful troops in our tauren clan. If she is killed If you kill...

"it's OK."

Lin Tai said a little coldly: "If she is killed, it can only show that she is inferior to others.


Faced with Lin Tai's cruel and cruel speech, the Tauren Shao Khan couldn't say anything at this time.

He looked at the Fire Phoenix who was fighting Tirtant in the arena in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a little worried in his heart.

At this time, Huo Fenghuang didn't know what the Tauren Khan and Lin Tai were talking about, so she raised her hand suddenly, and a large number of fire elemental spearmen appeared in front of her.

The moment these fire elemental spearmen appeared, the flame energy around them spread wildly, and the giant wood totem warriors on the opposite side felt a little uncomfortable, after all, wood and fire attributes are naturally difficult to deal with.

It's just that, although it is more difficult to fight the fire attribute with the wood attribute, Tirtant's bonus to the arms is far more than that of the fire phoenix, so there is no problem at all in starting the battle now.

"Go! Burn them all."!"

Fire Phoenix let out a roar, and immediately saw her fire element spearmen rushing forward.

The fire elemental spears in their hands stabbed towards the enemy in an instant, and at this moment, the giant wooden totem warrior also raised his hand in an instant and directly smashed down the totem pole in his hand towards the enemy in front of him.

At this moment, the attacks of both sides collided with each other.

The fire element spearmen of the fire phoenix were the first to be repelled, but their fire attribute attack also caused a strong impact on the giant wood totem warrior in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, these giant wooden totem warriors also lifted up the weapons in their hands in an instant, and once again launched their own powerful attack towards the front.

Their attacks are still very fierce, and not only physical attacks, but at the same time as their attacks, a large piece of strange vines grew out of the ground in an instant, and then moved towards the fire elements in front The pikemen were attacked and lost.

"Do you still have this ability?"

At this time, Lin Tai looked at the situation in front of him, and he could see that the hard material on the ground had not been destroyed, and the vines of these plants seemed to emerge directly from the ground and connect with the ground seedlings.

At this time, these vines were even sizzled by the flames on the fire elemental spearman's body, but they continued to roll towards the fire elemental spearman's body.

"What is this doing?"

Lin Tai was also a little stunned. After all, these vines seemed to have been severely shone by the flames. If they were not summoned back in time, they would probably be destroyed and swollen.

When thinking of this, Lin Tai also looked at the situation in front of him with some doubts. He didn't quite know what was going on, obviously, these vines had almost no meaning to the fire elemental spearmen.

However, to Lin Tai's surprise, when these vines wrapped around the bodies of these fire elemental spearmen, suddenly the bodies of these fire elemental spearmen seemed to soften a bit, and each of them began to lose control. Hold the flame in yourself.

*~ Is there a special effect added to these flames?"

Lin Tai understood it this time, but he didn't say anything. This time it was the battle of the fire phoenix, and Lin Tai was not going to intervene.

At this time, Huo Fenghuang also noticed that the current situation is not good for him, so he immediately said: "Use the skill, let the flame!"

As a heroic skill, Flame of Courage has the effect of strengthening the resistance of fire-type units, so that they can resist the negative status imposed by the enemy to a certain extent.

Sure enough, after Fire Phoenix used the Flame of Courage, the state of her Fire Elemental Pikemen could be seen by the naked eye (Zhao Qian's) much purer.

Then they also burned again, and at the same time, they threw the spears in their hands again towards the enemies in front.

Of course, the spears in the hands of the Fire Elemental Pikemen are not real weapons, but something they have transformed using the power of flames, so it doesn't matter that they will disappear if they hit the enemy.

Immediately afterwards, they also used the power of flames to summon flame spears again, and then used them as melee weapons to wave towards the Kumu Totem War Ten in front of them.

Seeing the enemy's terrifying flames attacking them again, these giant wood totem warriors immediately prepared to defend and counterattack. .

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