Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1941: The Battle Ends

"I go!"

The Tauren Young Khan was startled by the terrifying flames, even he turned his head hastily, blocking the light in front of him with his hands.

The terrifying force exploded, and shortly after waiting, when the smoke cleared, there were still more than 100 billion giant wooden totem warriors left on the field!

These people's bodies were covered with a layer of pale green shields, which appeared to be very weak.

"Hahahaha, I won!"

At this time, Tirtant uttered an excited roar: "Do you want to die with me? It's impossible! Every time a companion of my giant wooden totem warrior "683" dies, he will die. Obtain a layer of temporary shield! You have no chance of winning with such a self-destruct attack!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand directly, and immediately the remaining giant wooden totem warriors began to walk towards the fire phoenix in front of them.

"Admit defeat, human, you have no fighters to use now!"

Tirtant made an excited sound.

And the younger brother of the Tauren Shao Khan sitting under the ring also started to applaud wildly at this time, and at the same time looked at Lin Tai and the Tauren Shao Khan in the distance with provocative eyes.


Shao Khan also looked at Lin Tai who was sitting on the side in a panic, he didn't know why Lin Tai was still so calm until now, it was obviously yours who lost!

But Lin Tai just smiled at this time, and then said: "Look carefully at the battlefield, the war is far from over now?"


Khan the Tauren Younger looked at the ring in front of him. He saw the Fire Phoenix still standing on it, but all her units had been wiped out!

"Hahaha, humans, are you still stubborn?"

Younger Khan's younger brother laughed wildly at this moment and said, "This time is our tauren's victory, the warriors of our clan..."

But before he finished speaking, the situation on the ring suddenly changed.

Under everyone's unexpected eyes, the only remaining flames on the ring suddenly began to explode, and at the same time, all of them returned to their original shapes!

The fire element spearmen with a number of one trillion have all been resurrected!

"What? This, this is impossible!"

No matter whether it was Khan the Tauren, his younger brother, Tirtant, and the crowd watching the battle here, they were all stunned by the sight in front of them.

They never expected that the arms they thought had been killed would all be revived in an instant!

But now, the comparison between one trillion and one hundred billion has formed a terrifying gap.

"Get rid of them!"

The fire phoenix issued an order, and then saw these fire elemental spearmen surround all the giant wooden totem warriors, and then threw a round of fireballs on them.

These giant wood totem warriors did have powerful shields, but they were quickly wiped out in front of enemies ten times their number.

And even though they frantically launched a surprise attack forward, they couldn't kill too many fire elemental spearmen after all. The final battle result was three hundred to one trillion. The fire phoenix used three hundred fire elemental spearmen. Casualties, in exchange for one trillion soldiers of Tirtant.

"Damn it! You despicable humans are deceitful!"

At this time, Shao Khan's younger brother also directly jumped onto the ring, directly killed the three fire element spearmen, and then directly punched the fire phoenix!

His attack was obviously very powerful. After all, Khan the Tauren and his younger brother are both peak middle gods, close to the existence of upper gods...

And this punch was obviously something that Fire Phoenix couldn't dodge or bear.

But at this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of him, directly raising his hand to block its punch.


Everyone guessed it, the person who appeared to block the opponent's punch at this time was Lin Tai.

"The outcome of the battle has already been divided, do you want to destroy the competition?"

Lin Tai asked coldly.

"Nonsense! My people have already killed all your troops, it is our victory!"

Tauren Shao Khan's younger brother did not continue to attack. He also realized that Lin Tai was not someone he could easily manipulate. Although his strength was not promising, but such a blow in front of everyone was already the limit of his shamelessness. If it continues to go crazy, the face of ancestor 4.3 will be lost by it.

Lin Tai said coldly: "Reviving a certain number of troops after death in battle is her hero skill, and there is no suspicion of cheating. If you think this battle is unfair, you can let your people Hero skills are also not applicable, and then the two of them are rematching again."


Tauren Khan's younger brother was also a little discouraged. Indeed, hero skills are easy to test. As long as the opponent can prove this, it is indeed not a foul.

But once the other party really proved it, his current action would be to slap himself in the face. .

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