Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1942 Lin Tai's Battle

Finally, after thinking for a while, the younger brother of the Tauren Shao Khan was still persuaded.

He took a few steps back, and then said: "Okay, we will lose this time."

"But now, I want to challenge you, dare to fight with me?"


Lin Tai also nodded, anyway, this battle will be fought sooner or later, there is no problem with it being earlier or later.

"Hmph, if you lose to me this time, it means that you have no ability to help us this time!"

Shao Khan's younger brother argued again: "If I win, then you human beings will go back with your tail between your legs! We don't need the help of you despicable foreigners!"

"You'd better defeat me first, and then say these words."

Lin Tai said disdainfully, and immediately took two steps back, walking to the position where he was preparing for the battle.

"I'll crush your bones at 24!"

With a roar, Shao Khan's younger brother immediately summoned his own troops, a group of tauren warriors who looked like they were wearing golden armor and possessed aura.

Their names are: Ancestral Totem Warrior, ancient attributes.

After Lin Tai thought for a while, he chose to summon the Thunder Dragon to help him fight.

This time, Lin Tai is going to evolve the lightning giant dragon into a blue dragon, so now he wants to let them come out to fight and see, and also let the blue dragon dragon king who is observing this place better see the situation here.

At this time, the younger brother of Shao Khan standing in front of Lin Tai also said: "I am the future ruler of the tauren clan, Murnius, I will make you feel the weakness of human beings!

Hearing what his younger brother said, Khan immediately became angry.

One must know that he is the imperial crown prince, and his younger brother blatantly said such a thing, he simply didn't take him seriously as a big brother.

The current Young Khan finally gave up the last bit of family affection, and decided that as long as the opportunity is right, he will find an opportunity to kill his brother!

"Hmph, it's useless to talk more, let's fight."

The thunder and lightning dragon summoned by Lin Tai immediately let out a roar, and the thunder resounded through the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a large piece of thunder light fell from the sky, without attacking the enemy, it had already landed on the surrounding land, making a terrifying crackling sound.

"Don't lose to them!"

Murnius also roared at this time, and immediately all the ancestor totem warriors also let out a resounding roar, and then bursts of dazzling golden light radiated from their bodies.

"Well, good momentum."

Lin Tai nodded, and then said: "Thor, I will leave this battle to you, is it okay?"

"Of course, my people!"

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Thor's face, and then he suddenly launched his hero skill: Thunder Surge!

In an instant, the surrounding area became a terrifying scene full of lightning.

Lightning Surge: Summon a field suitable for the combat of thunder and electric units, increase the total attributes of all thunder units on our side by 80%, and the full attributes of electric units by 150%, and all additional attacks Doubles the effect of paralysis.

Don't underestimate the attribute that doubles the paralysis effect. Although many units have a 100% paralysis effect, this 100% is reduced by the resistance of the thunder attribute

Therefore, if the paralysis effect is doubled, the opponent's resistance will start to decrease from 200%, and it will take more than 100% of the bud attribute resistance to be able to ignore it.

But the opponent is not very afraid at this time, because although Thor can summon the field, the opponent can also summon his own field!

"Ancestor Totem Warrior, summon the glory of our ancestors!"

As he said that, Murnius also let out a roar, and then his power began to spread out, covering the bodies of these ancestor totem warriors, turning into a layer of golden light.

This is the skill of Murnius, the glory of the ancestors, which can enhance the overall resistance of our arms by 703100%, and will not be affected by the reduction of life.

For the vast majority of NPCs and arms, once their life is too low, their combat effectiveness will also decrease, because their bodies are seriously injured.

However, this skill of Murnius can inspire the glory of the ancestors in the hearts of his troops, allowing them to ignore this effect.

And at this time, they rushed towards the enemy in front of them, and the weapons in their hands appeared, which were the ancestor totem poles in their names.

The power of the ancestral totem pole is still very strong. The moment this thing is sacrificed, their all attributes are enhanced by 30% again, and all attacks will cause 30% extra damage.

At this moment, they raised their hands and launched rare long-range attacks towards the lightning dragons in the air, and the totems burst.

Immediately, phantoms of totems descended from the sky, attacking the lightning dragons in the air. .

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