name: disaster

Rank: lower god - upper god (judged according to the original level of the body, if the existence of less than a lower god becomes a disaster, it will be automatically promoted to a lower god)

Attribute: unknown

Type: puppet


Body of the Ancient God (false): All damage received is reduced by 95%, and negative status will be randomly released to all surrounding targets (~regardless of friend or foe).

God's Armor (False): When attacked by non-divine power, the damage - will be reduced to 10 points forcibly.

Absorption: The ancient god can absorb all flesh and blood, all attacks of the disaster will cause 90% blood-sucking effect, and obtain different abilities according to the flesh and blood of the absorbed target.

Split: When the disaster absorbs enough energy, you can choose to feed the energy back to the prison, or you can choose to create a clone with the same strength as the main body. The clone exists permanently and has all the abilities of the disaster.

The rest of the skills are omitted.

Description: Disasters are phantoms created by the prison of the ancient gods. They reside in the body whose soul is swallowed by the prison, and will fight for the prison forever until they perish.

Disaster is not even considered a unit, nor is it a hero, they are just very powerful individuals, suitable for people who have been influenced by Lin Tai to go crazy and use them to destroy their own formations.

However, the intelligence of the disaster itself is quite low, so it can't be used as a subordinate at all, it can only be used as cannon fodder, and it can be used as a particularly difficult meat shield.

At the same time, disaster is also a magic weapon for abuse.

Now Lin Tai only needs to drive around in the prison state to the place where the weak gather, and a large group of people will become a low god-level disaster, and then the massacre will begin.

But blaming innocent people is not Lin Tai's favorite, so he usually doesn't do it.

At this time, the reason why Lin Tai opened the sin prison was naturally to devour the ancestor spirit of the tauren in front of him.

The soul of the high god is a great complement to the current Lin Tai, and this is a dungeon, the only ones who can see this place are the Blue Dragon Dragon King and Lin Tai himself.

The Blue Dragon King will not pursue this matter, because the Blue Dragon King is a person who really knows the existence of the ancient god. In his opinion, Lin Tai is at most a human being who can use the power of the ancient god.

Moreover, the dungeon mission is issued by the system, and what the Blue Dragon King wants to do cannot be changed at all. As long as Lin Tai gets the final first kill, then the Blue Dragon King can only obediently help him to evolve his units, and at the same time, he will also gain favorability. Improvement is just a question of how much.


The black skull that appeared behind Lin Tai let out a roar of excitement, and suddenly the ancestor spirit of the tauren in front saw the ghost-like expression, and immediately gave up the possession, wanting to escape.

But Lin Tai will not let him go so easily.

At the moment when the spirit of the Tauren's ancestors wanted to escape, six black pillars suddenly descended from the sky.

A large amount of black silt was attached to each pillar, forming a barrier in an instant, making it impossible for the spirit of the ancestors summoned by Murnius to escape.

"You, what did you do?"

Even Murnius, who completely despises the existence of human beings, is a little scared now. After all, his ancestor spirit gave up on merging with him, and even kept screaming and wailing in fear in mid-air. Dare not resist Lin Tai's strength.

……ask for flowers……

"Damn it, let go of my ancestors!"

In the end, he became angry with extreme fear, and Murnius let out a roar, then directly bypassed Thor, and rushed towards Lin Tai in front of him.


Lin Tai roared angrily and kicked Murnius directly in the chest.

In an instant, Murnius' body exploded, turning into countless pieces of minced meat and flying out towards the surroundings.

But Lin Tai didn't look at it at all, and then continued to walk towards the ancestor spirit in front of him.

Strangely, after Murnius was killed by Lin Tai, the ancestor spirit summoned by him still couldn't escape, but just watched Lin Tai, or the black skull behind Lin Tai step by step. walked towards himself.



But when it was vigilant against the sin prison, suddenly the silt on the black pillar moved, directly plunged into the light of the ancestor's soul, and began to extract its soul power.

It let out a miserable howl, and the other tauren who were watching everything in front of them felt chills one after another, as if they were the ones who were absorbing their power.

However, the group of shamans headed by Tauren Shao Khan didn't feel anything, because their ancestor's soul was another Tauren, they just felt fear and chills in their hearts.

Soon, this ancestral spirit is fully absorbed by Lin Tai's sinful incarnation of the ancient god.

Visible to the naked eye, the phantom of the tauren skull appeared around the prison, with a pair of horns growing on it.

Its eyes were fixed on Lin Tai all the time, and its eyes were full of resentment.

But it was this kind of resentment that boosted Lin Tai's strength. .

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