"You, what did you do?"

Seeing Lin Tai, a human being, come down from the ring, all the tauren were frightened and began to retreat, not daring to appear in front of Lin Tai.

Even Khan the Tauren lost Lin Tai's courage to face Lin Tai at this time, because he also saw with his own eyes that the heroic spirit of his ancestor was imprisoned by the other party, and he was still crying continuously at this time.

At the same time, Shao Khan also felt the power of terror and evil from Lin Tai. There is no doubt that Lin Tai is definitely an evil existence, not a kind person.

But the other players from Earth didn't say anything about "three three zeros". In their view, NPCs are indeed not considered as life. If you kill them, you will kill them. What about imprisoning the soul? It doesn't matter at all.

"What's wrong, brother?"

Lin Tai sat next to Young Khan. At this time, he had withdrawn his guilt, and asked with a smile.

"No, nothing."

Shao Khan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said: "But you just now..."

"I did imprison a soul."

Lin Tai smiled and said: "But don't worry, this is not the soul of your ancestors, but the phantom created by your brother using the power of the ancestor totem combined with his own spiritual power. Wait until someone gets the ancestor totem pole With your approval, you can summon another one."

Lin Tai is actually talking nonsense, the tauren imprisoned by him is actually the soul of the other party's ancestor, but in fact, there are still many strong ancestors among the tauren's ancestors, so they will definitely be able to reunite at that time. Summon a new one.

So no one can deny Lin Tai's statement.

And now, Lin Tai has also fulfilled his promise to the tauren Shao Khan in front of him. After thinking about it for a while, Shao Khan also felt that there was no need for him to fall out with Lin Tai now.

At least Lin Tai still seems to be on his side.

So Shao Khan also wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and then said to Lin Tai in front of him: "Since you have won this battle, brother, you can choose one of the rewards I gave you."


Lin Tai also looked at some of the things brought by the other party. At first, he thought that the other party could not come up with something useful to him, but he didn't expect that when he read on, he actually found something from these things. I found something that is useful to me.

Name: Touch of Darkness Six

Tier: unknown

Type: unknown

Effect: unknown

Description: After a certain ancient god came to the main universe, he was killed and devoured by the other ancient god companions, and his remaining body parts were divided into touches of darkness one, two, three, four, five, and six for use Reward their loyal servants.

"Well, this thing is good!"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said: "I want this thing!"

"no problem!"

In fact, the Touch of Darkness is quite troublesome for the Tauren family, because none of these Tauren have the ability to use the Touch of Darkness, so they can only use magic power to seal it.

Until now, they have consumed a lot of resources on this touch of darkness, and they are very happy that Lin Tai can take it away.

So at this time, the Tauren Shao Khan also said: "Since my brother fell in love with this thing at a glance, you must also want the other parts very much. It just so happens that I have a piece of news about the other parts... .”

"Oh? What is it?"

Lin Tai immediately asked.

"This is a crystal, which records the location of another touch of darkness.

After speaking, Shao Khan handed Lin Tai a fist-sized crystal.

Lin Tai held it in his hand, and then suddenly poured his own divine power into it, and a picture shot through Meng Hao's mind.

This is a place that seems to be a volcano, and you can see that the sky is purple, and there is a lot of weird fog around it.

Then the angle of view came to the ground again, and Lin Tai saw that the ground was not an ordinary ground, but a large swamp, and the swamp was also purple.

"Well, it seems that after I go out, I need to investigate a little bit, there is this type of planet."

Lin Tai thought so in his heart.

And now, after seeing Lin Tai kill his younger brother in 2.6, Tauren Shao Khan is also happier.

He said to Lin Tai who was on the side: "Brother, you won this battle, and you showed our tribe that you are strong enough to help us get out of trouble.

"I am willing to sworn brotherhood with you as a brother of a different surname, are you willing?"


At present, the strength of the entire tauren khan is nothing to Lin Tai, but as long as he becomes a real khan, he can become a high god in an instant.

And it is impossible for Lin Tai to stay on the earth all the time. .

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