The ancient gods were integrated into Lin Tai's weapon. The power of this knife far exceeds the precepts and rulings, and it is even comparable to the supreme artifact in terms of pure power.

However, since this was transformed by Lin Tai using his ancient god avatar, the weapon skill is still the skill of the ancient god sin prison, without any additional gain at all, and it can be regarded as a kind of equipment punishment.

At this time, Lin Tai walked towards the rock titan lord in front of him step by step, and the rock titan lord was also struggling constantly. It seemed that Lin Tai's approach brought him enormous pressure.


Lin Tai's eyes suddenly released a burst of purple light, and at the same time the sharp blade in his hand slashed down, bringing out a very terrifying aura.


Then at the moment when the rock titan lord was about to be killed by Lin Tai, 24 suddenly a rather majestic voice came from around.

And Lin Tai was shocked by the sound so much that he spit out a big mouthful of blood on the spot, and even his health dropped by 75%, and he flew out immediately.

There is no doubt that Lin Tai, who is at the master level among the high gods, can be beaten like this, and the other party is at least a supreme god.

Moreover, he is also a very strong Supreme God, otherwise it would be impossible to so easily injure the ancient god who is famous for his strong vitality.

Then, everyone saw a gray figure descending from the sky, directly attached to the rock lord titan in front of them.

In an instant, the relatively fresh cursed flesh and blood on the body of the rock titan lord began to rot, and at the same time, it also began to turn gray.

"Stand back, don't be touched by the opponent's breath!"

Lin Tai didn't intend to get back to the field at all, and just retreated with a few of his teammates. At the same time, Sin Prison reappeared and began to use the power of the ancient gods to protect them.

Lin Tai really recognized this guy. He turned out to be the current master of the Scourge of the Undead, Lich King V Sardarq.

That's right, the natural disasters of the undead have been rampant in the universe for many years, countless forces have been destroyed by them, and while fighting other creatures, more and more undead have been put to sleep.

Although the Lich King was difficult to kill, four of them were killed in the continuous war. Now this is the fifth guy who controlled the undead natural disaster, Sardalk.

Lin Tai wanted to see the other party's profile, but it was just a projection of Sadak, so Lin Tai really couldn't see anything.

But Sardalk is also very interested in Lin Tai. Looking at Lin Tai in front of him, he sneered and said, "Hmph, I didn't expect to find an ancient god cub. I'm lucky."

After thinking for a while, Sardalk suddenly said: "We undead have a common enemy with you ancient gods, so I will give you a chance to take refuge in me, and I can use the natural disaster of undead to protect you and the people behind you."

Sardarq never thought that Lin Tai would refuse.

After all, Sardarq is a supreme god, while Lin Tai is a high god, and there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

If Lin Tai was an ordinary high god, Sardalk really wouldn't dare to say that, after all, there might be a certain supreme god behind him, and he would be in trouble if he accidentally kicked the iron plate.

But Lin Tai is an ancient god.

Like the natural disaster of the undead, the ancient gods are also the nightmare of life, and they are also hostile and strangled by countless lives. It is basically impossible to survive.

So it is entirely possible that Lin Tai and Scourge are mixed together.

But Sadak forgot one thing, that is Lin Tai is a player.

That's right, compared to npcs, players are more rational. They are basically not controlled by power, and they rarely become lunatics who slaughter indiscriminately.

And Lin Tai also knows one thing very well, that is, Sadak in front of him definitely does not really want to cooperate with him.

The fifth lord of the Scourge of the Undead is undoubtedly a talented guy. Of course, it is impossible for him to cooperate with Lin Tai at 990.

His current idea is actually to trick Lin Tai back as a guinea pig for research. After all, ancient gods are very rare, and even Sardarq, who is at the highest god level, is definitely not one of them.

Opponent of Tongue God.

Even if it is the weakest of all the ancient gods who came, it is as easy to kill Sardalk and destroy his undead natural disasters as drinking water.

Because the curse of flesh and blood is originally something of the ancient gods, and the so-called power of the undead is just another way of corruption, which is far, far worse than the ancient gods in terms of level.

However, Lin Tai only has the strength of a high god, so he is naturally a soft persimmon. Sardalk also wants to use Lin Tai to verify some of his own problems, such as whether he can control the ancient gods for his own use.

Lin Tai is very clear about Sardarq's thoughts, so naturally it is impossible to agree.

Even without the help of the Blue Dragon Dragon King, he would find a way to escape. .

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