Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1958: Blue Dragon Dragon King

"You are right, in terms of my current status, it is indeed more appropriate to stand with you.

Lin Tai said so.

But just when Sardalk subconsciously thought that Lin Tai was about to give in and leave, Lin Tai suddenly turned black all over and said, "But, I like to say no to self-righteous people the most!"

At the same time as he said these words, Lin Tai was shocked all over, and at the same time, a wail sounded from the mouth of his soul crime prison.

In an instant, all the disasters appeared in front of Sadark, and launched an attack towards it!

"Toast, don't eat, eat fine wine!"

Sardalk let out an angry roar, and he stretched out a gray claw and grabbed Lin Tai.

But at this moment, suddenly the purple aura in the sky was completely destroyed.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying dragon's breath fell from the sky.


A blue dragon's breath collided with Sadark's gray, and a terrifying explosion occurred in front of him in an instant, blowing Lin Tai away on the spot.

Lin Tai's body expanded a layer of shield at the same time, and immediately fell to the ground. At the same time, Lin Tai also took out a powerful shield to block in front of him.

"Take a distance back and forth, the farther the better, don't get close!"

As he said that, Lin Tai also summoned a shiny and peculiar protective shield on his body, and only he did not retreat, still standing near the explosion.

And what appeared in front of him were two phantoms, one of which was naturally Sadark, and the other was a phantom in the shape of a dark blue dragon.

The name written on its head is Malygos, the Blue Dragon King.

However, because it is a phantom, Lin Tai can't see its attributes. What he can see is only level 999, which is the highest level of God.

"Sure enough, it appears, then the next step is the plot flow..."

Sure enough, when Lin Tai and others were not killed by Sardarq, in fact all the tests were over.

Appeared on the World Channel: The team from the earth won the first kill of the copy of the undead planet, and received a reward of 9999 trillion energy crystals, a reputation of 1000 points, three favorability points of the blue dragon clan, and two favorability points of the entire dragon clan.. ....

It is also true that it is difficult to obtain the favorability of the Dragon Clan. They have worked so hard to get through the dungeon of this difficulty, and the favorability obtained is all in single digits. It is even difficult to influence the dragon clan's attitude towards them.

It's probably because the dragons in the universe don't kill and eat them directly after seeing them, and they don't even bother to talk to these people.

But this kind of favorability is very useful for Yalong, even if it is only a little favorability, you will get the highest hospitality when you arrive at Yalong.

"Malygos, I didn't expect you to come in person!"

Sadalk looked at the phantom of the blue dragon dragon king in front of him, and said with a sneer: "Want to see your wife? She has now been transformed into a bone dragon by me, and she has become my mount!"


Malygos let out a roar, and then spewed out another dragon's breath on the spot, and at the same time, his body followed closely.

The battle between the two sides is on the verge of breaking out.

And in this state, the current Sardalk has the advantage, after all, this is the home of the undead, and the Blue Dragon Dragon King is far away from here, and its strength is still a bit worse than Sardalk.

It's just that the dragon kings of the five guardian dragon clans were born to protect the order of the entire universe, so they all possess some very special and powerful powers.

That is the so-called power of protection.

The blue dragon dragon king possesses the power of protection and the most powerful power in the universe. It is known as "the unshakable power". It is said that nothing can resist its attack at the physical level.

The Red Dragon Queen has the power to protect life and can control life. All "matter" with life will be controlled by it, even the undead will be burned by her powerful fire of life.

The Black Dragon Dragon King has the power to protect the earth and is the actual controller of all planets. As long as it appears, even the planet guardian Shendu born independently of the planet must obey all its orders unconditionally.

The Bronze Dragon King possesses the power of time protection, can peek into the present and the future, and releases the strange inter-time skills (Wang Qianhao). Although the top mages can also do it, it is completely incomparable with it in terms of strength.

The Green Dragon Queen has the power to protect dreams. She and her people live in the dream world. She can use extremely special powers to drag enemies into the dream and destroy them. She can also use the power of dreams to release various buffs and auxiliary magic. The strength is strange and tyrannical.

But now, the one who appeared in front of Lin Tai was the Dragon King of the Blue Dragon, whose strength was still very strong. Even though the numerical value and control over the surrounding environment were far inferior to Sadak, it was still very easy to repel the opponent.

Sardalk's arm collided with the blue dragon king Malygos suddenly, and was sent flying on the spot. .

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