Because now, the disaster summoned by Lin Tai is assisted by the soul, and has moderate wisdom. It doesn't mean that the soul has two-thirds of the value, and the combat power must be two-thirds.

This skill has at least doubled the combat power of the disaster. With the existence of the dead souls, they can fight head-on with enemies of the same level.

And the Blue Dragon Dragon King landed gently beside Lin Tai.

It looked at Lin Tai and the sin prison behind Lin Tai, with bursts of vigilance in its eyes, but it didn't attack immediately.

After all, the favorability is high, and Lin Tai helped him just now.

"You, what the hell are you?"

The Blue Dragon Dragon King said suddenly: "I have participated in the war against the ancient gods, but I have never heard of your existence."


Lin Tai thought for a while, and finally decided to tell the truth directly.

"I used to be a relatively ordinary high god, but I came into contact with the body of the ancient god R'lye during a mission, absorbed it, and then became what I am now."


The blue dragon dragon king Malygos was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Is there - is this ancient god?"

"Yes, but it is not the ancient god who erodes the universe, but the ancient god who was born from the darkness in the early days of the universe. He is a warrior under the Emperor Demon. He abandoned his body, and his spirit left this universe with the Emperor Demon. gone."

"That's right."

Hearing Lin Tai's words, Malygos nodded.

He has indeed heard that there used to be ancient gods in his own universe, but these initial warriors have already left with Emperor Demon and Kongshen, so they left vacancies

Let the ancient gods from other places corrupt this world.

Thinking of this, Malygos also looked at Lin Tai in front of him again.

At least Lin Tai doesn't look evil, and his ancient god's avatar prison looks just a little scary, not like those ancient gods who can't look directly and have the ability to make people insane.

"Maybe you are really not our enemy, no, you may not only not be our enemy, maybe..."

Malygos didn't finish his words, but stared at Lin Tai again, and said, "Maybe I need to go to your territory, your planet to take a look."


Since Lin Tai's real rewards for the blue dragon and blue flying dragon units still need to be given by Malygos, Lin Tai has no right to refuse now, so he nodded readily

In fact, what Malygos wants to see is not how Lin Tai's territory is managed, but to see if Lin Tai has polluted the universe.

So, Lin Tai directly followed Malygos out of the dungeon door.

And the moment they left this planet, suddenly there were more than one trillion combined arms around them, more than a thousand middle gods, and a dozen upper gods appeared

They attacked Lin Tai without hesitation.

The purpose of their presence here is to wait for Lin Tai.

That's right, after knowing that Lin Tai actually got the first kill this time, the other lord also noticed a problem, that is, Lin Tai will definitely get a lot of benefits from this first kill and the mission .

In order to kill Lin Tai, an existence that might threaten him, in the cradle, he dispatched a large number of manpower and troops, preparing to use countless attacks to directly smash Lin Tai into scum the moment Lin Tai released the copy.

……ask for flowers…

But although it thought well, an accident happened.

That is, not only they themselves, but also the phantom of the blue dragon dragon king came out with the people on earth.

After leaving the planet filled with the power of the undead, the Blue Dragon Dragon King recovered all its energy on the spot. At this time, the connection between its branch and its main body was restored to its peak, and its strength returned to the level of the upper god.

So at the moment of being attacked, Malygos directly uttered a roar.

Then all the long-range attacks that hit him were instantly reduced to dust.

Immediately afterwards, countless blue dragon phantoms appeared around it again, and of course they were all phantoms. In fact, the current blue dragons have almost been killed, and they haven't recovered much after so many years.

These blue dragons flew directly towards the surroundings, and all the enemies standing in front of them were instantly wiped out, and there was nothing left after being killed.

After solving these annoying guys, Malygos also said to Lin Tai: "Where is your territory, I will take you there, it will be faster."

Lin Tai pointed casually, and then Malygos directly used magic to attract these humans to his body, and then rushed out towards the direction Lin Tai pointed at.

Its speed is naturally quite terrifying.

Just for a split second, the entire universe shook, and the absolute suppressing power of the blue dragon dragon king was too terrifying to fly. Even the universe whose environment was infinitely close to a vacuum began to be unable to withstand the earthquake. .

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