Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1961 Dragon Clan Conference

At this time, Malygos, the blue dragon king, brought Lin Tai back to their planet.

Because of the leadership of Malygos, their speed this time was still very fast. The distance of hundreds of thousands of light years was reached in less than an hour, which seemed unimaginably fast.

Even for Lin Tai, it is completely difficult to create this kind of speed. If he drives the short circuit himself, it will probably take a day and a night, and this is still in the state of running at full speed.

At this time, Malygos did not communicate with Lin Tai again, but looked at the surrounding situation with great interest.

It is completely different from the "three three three" that Malygos imagined.

The original Malygos believed that in the galaxy controlled by Lin Tai, there may have been a situation of world erosion.

And if this was the case, even if Malygos gave up his ideas, he would definitely kill Lin Tai on the spot.

But he was wrong.

What Malygos saw was a galaxy of peace and beauty.

Not only is there no ancient god infiltration and pollution here, but many creatures can even be seen living naturally. Although wars are still happening, this is also the most common sight in nature.

Then, the blue dragon dragon king Malygos circled around the galaxy for a few more times, and finally he was sure of one point, it's true.

He really didn't have any nefarious influence on the world.


Now Malygos finally recognized Lin Tai, he gently loosened the restraint on Lin Tai and the others, and then said: "You are a different ancient god, I also think I can trust you, but , I still can’t make such a decision by myself.”

As he said that, Malygos raised his head again and let out a very strange dragon roar.

Its dragon roar contained a very terrifying power, causing serious damage in the sky on the spot, and then several very powerful auras came out from the void.

"Is this... the breath of the other dragon kings?"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment.

Soon he saw gold and green flying out, and formed two identical phantoms beside Malygos.

"What? This is the breath of the ancient gods, Malygos, are you in trouble?"

The phantom of the Bronze Dragon King let out a roar on the spot, and then suddenly spewed out a terrifying dragon's breath towards Lin Tai.


At this moment, the blue dragon dragon king also spewed out a large mouthful of dragon's breath, and the front collided with the dragon's breath sprayed out by the bronze dragon king, causing an explosion immediately.

"Malygos, what are you doing?" The bronze dragon king Nozdormu immediately said angrily.

While it was talking, the green dragon queen Ysera also noticed something wrong, and immediately said: "Nozdormu, don't be impulsive, take a closer look at this person who exudes the power of the ancient god."


Nozdormu also looked at Lin Tai in front of him. Originally, it just sensed the breath of the ancient gods, so he subconsciously thought that Malygos had encountered an enemy he couldn't fight, so he launched an attack instantly.

But now, Nozdormu has also noticed that this guy who looks like an ancient god is actually just a high god, and there is still a certain amount of residual energy of Malygos on his body...

The more you look at it, the weirder it becomes, then looking at Malygos, he asked, "Could it be that you caught a cub of an ancient god, so you want us to take a look and decide what to do with him?"

That's right, what Malygos thinks makes sense. After all, ancient gods are very difficult to kill. Even in their nascent state, they are almost immortal. Killing them forcibly may even lead to the order of the universe. destroy.

Malygos shook his head again.

Then he pointed to Lin Tai and said, "Let me introduce you, this is Lin Tai, my friend who just helped me kill Sardalk's distraction."


Immediately, the bronze dragon king Nozdormu and the green dragon queen Ysera were stunned. They thought of many possibilities before, but they just didn't expect that Malygos would call the ancient god Lin Tai a "friend".

Then, Malygos also explained what happened during this time, and what Lin Tai said to it, to Nozdormu and Ysera in front of him.

And after listening to Malygos' explanation, "Lin 4.2 Tai saw that the names on the heads of Nozdormu and Ysera changed from hostile red to neutral yellow.

However, the two dragons looked at Lin Tai with hostility and vigilance. Although they believed in Malygos, they also believed that Lin Tai might have deceived Malygos.

But Ysera soon smelled something else from Lin Tai.

That's right, in addition to the ancient gods, Lin Tai also has a green dragon unit, and it's something Lin Tai obtained in a dream, and its hero is Linglong.

"Let it come out and meet me," Ysera said suddenly. .

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