The sniper rifle that Lin Tai obtained is called the Soul of the Survivor, and it is a mission-limited weapon. Although its own strength is not as good as commandments and judgments, it is quite easy to use in this mission.

Name: Soul of the Survivor

Tier: Medium Artifact

Type: Weapon

Attack power: very strong

Effect: Each time you kill one hundred aliens at the lower god level, you will get 1% of the restriction removed, and you will get 5% of the restrictions when you hunt one hundred aliens at the middle god level, and you will get 100 higher gods. Alien, gain 10% limit lift. Alien restrictions from hunting or parasitic steel warriors are doubled.

Description: This is a weapon born out of the desire of a group of survivors to save their compatriots. It can be fired without using bullets. Every blow contains the desire for life.

After the task is failed or completed, the weapon will disappear, and you will get corresponding special rewards according to the restrictions you lifted. twenty four

That's right, it is such a weapon that can be used to lift Lin Tai's physical strength limitations. Now Lin Tai puts the sniper rifle in front of himself and aims at a strange shape in front of him.

This alien is just a low-god, and at this time, he is fighting with dozens of companions, and a steel-body warrior of the low-god level.

Although this steel-bodied warrior is also a low-god, it is quite easy to deal with these aliens called "war machines", basically it is a one-shot kill.

And at this moment, a bullet suddenly hit an alien in front of him, directly blowing its head off.

And this steel-bodied warrior instantly knocked away all the aliens around him, then looked in the direction of the bullet, and roared, "Who is it?"

His voice was very angry.

Lin Tai also knows that the steel warrior likes hunting aliens very much, it can even be said to be a hobby, and even kills himself in order to hunt a large number of aliens.

They are the most ferocious hunters, as long as they can kill the enemy, they will do anything.

Therefore, although many planets in the universe are afraid of aliens, they also quite reject the alien-shaped steel warriors of the Emperor of Heaven. After all, these guys are too cruel. The goal.

But what Lin Tai is quite strange is that the steel body warriors are obviously a race with a fairly advanced technology, but why are all these steel body warriors seen now fighting hand-to-hand?

Lin Tai's guess is that these steel-bodied fighters are all guys who have not completed the adult ceremony, so they are here to practice fighting with these low-level aliens to strengthen their fighting awareness and fierceness, so they did not use technological weapons.

But guesses are just guesses after all, Lin Tai doesn't know what's going on.

But not knowing doesn't mean you can't kill.

Lin Tai raised his hand without any hesitation, and aimed the weapon in his hand at the steel-body warrior in front of him.

The steel-bodied warrior thought that someone of his own kind had shot and killed the alien, so he was just angry, but not overly vigilant.

But in the next second, another bullet directly exploded its forehead.

Anyway, Lin Tai is also an upper god, and now that 30% of all attributes have been unsealed, it is naturally a judgment of the upper god level. They are all certain to die.

And after this steel body warrior died, several aliens came to lay eggs immediately.

These aliens are all very low-level aliens, produced by parasitizing non-intelligent life, so the combat IQ is also lower than the local area, and they are not aware of the existence of the threat of Lin Tai.

So after seeing the steel-bodied warriors being killed, they immediately started laying eggs.

However, Lin Tai jumped up immediately after seeing one of the aliens laying eggs, firing countless bullets, directly killing all the aliens in front of him.

And this parasitic steel body warrior was used by Lin Tai as a bait.

The death of a steel-body fighter is very humiliating to other steel-body fighters, so they will quickly come to check the death condition of the corpse at 303,

At the same time, these steel-bodied fighters will attract more aliens, providing Lin Tai with targets to kill.

Of course, this will take some time.

So Lin Tai also began to wander around constantly, and Linglong, a warrior-level green dragon, entered the dream world, and then monitored every move below.

Once something special happens, Lin Tai will teleport back in the shortest possible time, and then deal with it before leaving.

Soon, the number of low god-level aliens and steel-body fighters who died in Lin Tai's hands reached an astonishing one thousand, and his unblocking task was also completed by 11%.

"Very good, now my power has recovered to 40% of its original strength, as long as I hunt enough people to restore it to 50%, I don't need to worry about high gods appearing again.

Thinking this way in his heart, Lin Tai also suddenly noticed a strange signal. .

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