"It's not steel fighters, their signals are completely different.

"It's not the group of survivors either, I know their signals too."

"Then the only possibility is the alien."

After thinking about it in my heart, Lin Tai's shadow clones also appeared in several original places one after another, and then picked up the sniper rifle in his hand, destroying the steel body soldiers in front who were still hatching alien eggs.

Then he accelerated suddenly, rushed in a direction ahead, and soon saw a cave.

But not just a cave.

Lin Tai's spiritual power expanded, and his eyes turned light blue. At the same time, Lin Tai could clearly see the cave in front of him and its interior and bottom.

Inside, Lin Tai saw a lot of aliens moving in a mess, among them were a terrifying number of enemies, and even a large number of middle gods.

"Well, if I can kill them easily, I can quickly restore my original strength."

Thinking of this in his heart, Lin Tai turned into a black mist again, and then walked up quietly.

Drawing on the fact that he was spotted by Rochelt at a glance, Lin Tai didn't really go in, but attached to a strange body.

No matter how war machine this alien is and how terrifying its own strength is, Lin Tai can still easily control its will.

And he controlled the alien to walk into the opponent's lair, and he was immediately noticed by many aliens.

"Well, it seems that although I have been suspected, I am not regarded as an enemy~~."

While speaking, Lin Tai also continued to walk forward.

Soon, he saw more and more aliens sitting around with various things.

As Lin Tai walked, Lin Tai also took out a strange weapon using this alien hatched from a human body.

"Super Big Bomb!"


Lin Tai chose to explode without hesitation, and a terrifying explosion appeared on the spot, blowing up all the surrounding enemies to powder on the spot.

And Lin Tai took the opportunity to possess another alien who had just arrived here.

Due to this horrible explosion, Lin Tai killed close to a thousand aliens, plus the aliens and steel warriors he killed before, the number is enough for him to unlock 50% of the value.

After the unblocking, Lin Tai's strength was basically fully restored, and now he has completely recovered the level of the upper god.

So possessing a middle god is still very easy.

At this time, it controls the alien of the middle god to activate its own skills, hides in the dark, and immediately disappears, and then rushes forward quickly in one direction.

He still remembered that there were a lot of captives here, and using the memories in the minds of these aliens, Lin Tai finally found a place.

The aliens in charge of the guards had endured a lot of pain, but they did not attack the captured humans, nor did they lay eggs on them, and even provided them with food and water.

"Sure enough, it is said that the supreme god has completely controlled this galaxy. Maybe these aliens left these people to use as sacrifices for him."

While thinking in his heart, Lin Tai also walked towards the several aliens in charge of guarding.

The guards were all at the low-god level, and when they felt the same kind of mid-god level coming, they immediately lowered their heads one by one, showing respectful gestures.

But in the next second, Lin Tai directly controlled his own alien and killed all the alien in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai also came to the place where these humans were imprisoned, and counted them. There were more than 300 people in total. They were still relatively strong existences, but each of them had some wounds on their bodies.

These wounds seemed to seal their strength.

~Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you, and now I control an alien body.

Lin Terry said to these people in front of him with his own spiritual power.

After understanding Lin Tai's meaning, all of these people immediately looked excitedly.

But Lin Tai didn't let them go immediately, but quietly asked: "Do you know why they keep you here and don't kill them?"

"Know (it's good) a little bit."

At this time, a man who looked like a middle-aged uncle said suddenly.

"Oh? Tell me about it."

"I understand a little bit of alien language." The middle-aged uncle said: "I heard from these aliens that after a while, their enveloping gods will appear here, and then we will use the blood of us to nourish a things, that's what they're supposed to do."

"I see."

Lin Tai nodded, and then continued: "Are there any other places where you have people? Or intelligent life forms that are not aliens and predators."

"I don't know anything else, but we have a special communicator."

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