Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1974: Supreme God Shot

"Sure enough, it started."

Lin Tai nodded slightly.

Then bursts of purple-black mist emerged from behind him, and then enveloped Lin Tai's body.

Lin Tai's body has entered the dreamland, and at the same time the situation in front of him has a panoramic view. Although Lin Tai can't perceive the existence of the other party at all, Lin Tai can completely see their appearance.

"With the help of the guardian power of the green dragon warrior level, I probably won't be found.

Lin Tai relaxed a little, and then he saw a huge eye and a huge arm appearing in the sky at this time.

Name: magic hub

Tier: Supreme God

Deity: God of Blood and Slaughter

Description: A supreme god who controls the blood, and is said to have very powerful power.

"That's it?"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment, after all, his investigative skills were already at a very high level, even Lin Tai, the Blue Dragon Dragon King, could identify their data.

But Lin Tai was completely unable to identify the information about the Supreme God named Moshu in front of him.

No matter how you look at it, this god of blood and slaughter cannot be stronger than the five guardian dragon kings, and the only explanation Lin Tai can give for this is that this magic hub is actually dead.

That's right, there used to be a very grand battle of gods in the universe, and countless gods died in the battle.

And these gods are not false "gods" that players can become after completing tasks [these are all gods who are qualified to participate in the battle of gods with gods and godheads.

Players like this only have divine power and no god position, but they are actually easy to kill, and they are actually just cannon fodder in front of gods of the same level.

Of course, Lin Tai is an ancient god, a deity who controls the primordial darkness.

It is true that the current God of Darkness is a Supreme God, but in front of Lin Tai, his so-called darkness is like a child's toy, and it is impossible to display it.

"Well, it looks like I'm still a bit underprepared. If I knew this was a fallen supreme evil god, I'd just notify the Dragon King and kill it with me."

I feel a little regretful in my heart, but it's too late now.

Lin Tai does not have the ability to actively contact the Dragon King.

And just when Lin Tai was sighing in the dream world, the outside was already fried.

Because the strength of this magic hub is really terrifying.

At this time, the blood-red hand grabbed the ground directly, and no matter which direction it struck, it would instantly melt the creatures it touched into a blood-red aura.

Then these breaths will float to the touch of darkness in the distance.

At this moment, Lin Tai saw a problem at a glance. This Touch of Darkness was rapidly activated by absorbing the blood-red aura, and it seemed that it would soon become a real special equipment.

It seems that this magic hub also wants to gain the power of this thing, but Lin Tai naturally cannot allow it, after all, Lin Tai is here for this thing.

Lin Tai thought for a while (cedi), and then his eyes turned blood red, and at the same time, the prison appeared behind him, looking at the touch of darkness in front of him.

Activation degree of touch of darkness: 31.1%.

Not only that, as a large number of players were killed, the activation level was still increasing rapidly.

"Damn it, there is such a scary guy!"

At this time, several highgod players finally couldn't bear it anymore, they rushed out quickly, and the weapons in their hands collided with the arm of this magic hub on the spot.

"Small creature, die for me!"

Immediately afterwards, the eyes in the sky emitted a blood-red light, and they shot towards the high gods in front of them.

"Block it!"

The faces of these high gods also changed immediately, they are clear that the rays released by this eye are really a bit powerful, once they are shot by it into the army formation

In an instant, at least tens of billions of arms were killed by it.

So at this moment, the three upper gods united at the same time, and then layers of light blue luster shields appeared on their bodies, and then blocked the only way of this red light .


A tragic explosion sounded, and a huge hole was blown out of the shield immediately, but the bloody light was indeed blocked.

It's just that at this moment, the three upper gods also weakened a lot in order to resist the blow, and were directly sent flying by the big palm of the temple.

But no matter how you say them, they are high gods, and they were not instantly killed like the previous players and arms, but fell to the ground one after another.

"It seems that I still need to block this monster, but I can't just go out like this."

With a thought, Lin Tai transformed into a short dwarf, and the commandment in his hand also turned into a musket. .

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