The moment he left the dream world, Lin Tai directly raised his hand.


The musket in Lin Tai's hand fired a bullet.

The bullet hit the eyes of Moshu in the air in an instant.


Immediately, the magic hub let out a scream.

Because this bullet is not a simple bullet, but Lin Terry used the power of the ancient gods he obtained, mixed with some special curses in it.

Although Lin Tai is just an ancient god of the upper god level, the concept of "flesh and blood" comes from the ancient gods. Emperor Demon and Sky God represent elements, while Titan God represents mechanical runes. The three parties are in a state of complete opposition.

At this time, the Demon Hub is just a powerful individual created by the ancient god. Compared with the ancient god, his blood and slaughter are nothing at all.

Under the attack of Lin Tai, the ancient god, Moshu screamed in an instant.

But Moshu didn't recognize Lin Tai as an ancient god.

Because the Demon Hub is not here now, one cannot feel Lin Tai's unique aura of ancient gods, and the other is that Lin Tai is also hiding his identity.

In addition, some ancient gods were sealed and some died, so the power of some ancient gods was reduced and absorbed or controlled by other creatures.

And now Moshu thinks that Lin Tai is such a lucky person.

"Damn little bug, I'm going to crush you to death!"

As he said that, Moshu also let out a roar, and then a huge palm fell from the sky, and grabbed Lin Tai in front of him.

But Lin Tai raised his hand in an instant and fired a bullet forward.

The power of this bullet is not very strong, but it has a huge recoil, and it instantly sent Lin Tai's body flying.

Immediately afterwards, the bullet he fired hit the huge palm transformed by the magic hub in front of him.

This blow left a shallow imprint on the palm of his hand, and Lin Tai took advantage of the moment when his body was floating in the air, aimed at the eyes of the magic hub in the air with the muzzle of his gun, and fired another bullet.


A shot of blood shot out from Moshu's eyes, and then flowed down toward the ground.

"Divine blood, this is divine blood!"

Seeing this huge drop of blood falling from the sky, all the players around rushed up excitedly.

The magic hub is the supreme god, and this is something that all the people present know.

And a drop of blood from such an existence is naturally very precious, and for these lower and middle gods, it is a precious treasure.

Lin Tai frowned slightly, and then began to wrap his body with divine power, and began to back away slowly.

Lin Tai knew very well that this so-called divine blood was not a good thing.

Sure enough, just as Lin Tai retreated, several figures had come into contact with this so-called "treasure".

But in just an instant, these low-gods who had come into contact with the blood of the gods were all melted, and the white bones fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a group of middle gods' divine power shields couldn't resist this terrifying corrosion, and they all turned into music one after another.

It's just that their bodies resisted for a relatively long time, and while corroding, they also let out bursts of mournful wailing.

It can be said that the magic hub is also worthy of being a magic hub.

The control over the blood is really too strong, even if you are in another plane, you can turn your blood into a super weapon full of curses.

...asking for flowers......

Lin Tai couldn't stand it anymore.

At this time, Lin Tai raised his musket from the rear, and the burst of fire helped them relieve the pain, and they would never feel the pain again.

But no one condemned Lin Tai.

After all, the current situation is too chaotic. Who knows if the blood of this magic hub will cause some special damage besides killing people?


And Lin Tai also shot a bullet at the enemy in front of him at this moment, the bullet streaked across a pale white light, and then hit the opponent's eye again.

"I see!"

At this time, a higher god also understood, and he immediately said: "Everyone, attack that eye in the air! Don't notice the falling blood!"

Although many of the people present are not subordinate to these people, but looking at the situation now, it is really dangerous!

So they didn't hesitate, and immediately started attacking according to what the upper god said.

A series of long-range attacks hit the air one after another, hitting the huge eyes.

At this time, the magic hub kept roaring because of being attacked, and at the same time, the rays and huge hands also began to attack Lin Tai quickly, trying to kill this little bug Lin Tai completely in front of him.

But how could Lin Tai be killed so easily?

At this time, Lin Tai flashed the opponent's attack quickly, and wherever he went, almost a second would turn into a state of barren grass, which was very terrifying for a long time!.

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