Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1992: Saving The Red Dragon Queen

Sure enough, after seeing Lin Tai's strength, the Blue Dragon Dragon King soon found him again.

Lin Tai also knew very well that the current whereabouts of the Red Dragon Queen is unknown, and the Blue Dragon King must be there to rescue her.

But several dragon kings actually have their own powers, and must be responsible for guarding in one place for a long time, even the summoned avatars cannot leave for a long time.

So the only one who can help the Blue Dragon Dragon King at present is Lin Tai.

In fact, this task can only be triggered after the player reaches the Supreme God and has some contact with the Dragon King, but Lin Tai's ancient god breath forcibly attracted the other three Dragon Kings, and reached a deal and contact, so this The task fell on Lin Tai in the form of a bug.

As for this task, 24 Thai is still very interested.

Because of this task, Lin Tai can get the red dragon arms, so he didn't use the scroll and let himself get other dragon arms.

"Although you did a little too much this time, it did let us see your strength.

The Blue Dragon Dragon King said to Lin Tai.

That's right, although the Dragon King is the guardian of order, they don't have a good impression of other races, that is, as an ancient god, Lin Tai is indeed qualified to sit on an equal footing with them.

Once Lin Tai's ability is raised to the Supreme God, then his combat power may even surpass the Dragon King, and become the most powerful master in this abandoned universe.

And other races, even those who are born to be extraordinary and holy, are actually no different from ordinary people to the Dragon Clan.

These dragon arms in Lin Tai's hands are actually crippled dragons, which were evolved by Lin Tai through ordinary dragon arms.

For example, the current most active Green Dragon Clan, whose members were born as demigods, real demigods, not god-level arms, which are disabled demigods who are only a little stronger than the twelfth rank and have mastered divine power.

But the real dragons only need a little adulthood to become a lower god, and they don't even need any training, and they are already invincible among ordinary lower gods.

It can be said that Lin Tai, as a player, has the concept of arms on his body, which drags down these giant dragons belonging to him. Only a few heroes can truly obtain the growth attributes belonging to the dragon clan

And now, the red dragon that Lin Tai will get is also a crippled version. It is considered a very powerful existence among the arms, but it is definitely not an opponent of ordinary dragons.

"Maybe when I become the supreme god, I can contract a real giant dragon, or I can use special skills to strengthen the dragon and increase its combat effectiveness."

Lin Tai frowned slightly now, and then said: "Dragon King, if there is something I need to do this time, just say it."

"Well, our big sister, the Red Dragon Queen Laike Straza, she has disappeared for a while, and Wyrmrest Temple has not been activated for a long time."

The Blue Dragon Dragon King said to Lin Tai: "I have now found a possible location. I hope you can investigate whether A Laikestraza is in this place."

"Can't your Dragon King control the entire universe? Why don't you let the Bronze Dragon King go and have a look?" Lin Tai asked pretendingly unconsciously.

"If we can, of course we will check." The Blue Dragon Dragon King sighed, and then said: "But according to our investigation, this place has been polluted by evil energy, and we can't find any news from here. '

"Well, evil energy."

Lin Tai nodded, evil energy can be said to be one of the sources of pain in the universe, not even weaker than the void, even the mighty titan god Azsharas was controlled by evil energy and fell into darkness The Titans, became the enemies of the universe.

Therefore, in the face of evil energy, it is understandable that the Dragon Lord, as a Titan creation, has no power to fight back.

Lin Tai nodded slightly, and then said: "But I can't go in person this time, the evil energy 000 is too strong, if I go with my body, I will be easily infected.

"What do you mean?" The Blue Dragon Dragon King was taken aback for a moment.

"Let my soul, the ancient god's main body, go to the sin prison."

"Well, use the power of the ancient gods to fight against evil energy?" The Blue Dragon Dragon King nodded, "Indeed, the power of the ancient gods will not be controlled by evil energy."

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you have obtained the task [Save the Red Dragon Queen. 】

Mission Name: Save the Red Dragon Queen

Task Difficulty: SSS

Task Rewards: Obtain Arms, Red Dragon

Mission description: The Red Dragon Queen A Laike Straza was imprisoned in the Callecales galaxy, go to investigate the situation, successfully rescue A Laike Straza, you can get a lot of favorability of the Dragon Clan.

"Well, that's true, but the difficulty of this task must be quite high. After all, Ah Laikestaza is also a master among the supreme gods. If it is simple, there will be a big problem."

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