With the help of the Green Dragon Queen, Lin Tai successfully freed his soul prison from his body.

The prisoner's body formed a strange human figure in mid-air, which looked completely different from the original Lin Tai, and it was basically impossible to see that this was Lin Tai.

At this time, Lin Tai's human body remained on the earth, and the soul prison came to an explorer shuttle.

Lin Tai left the earth, and then flew forward quickly in the universe, and soon came to the Calekaris galaxy, and soon found a good thing.

Soon, Lin Tai saw that there was a huge caravan in this place, so Lin Tai also walked over there.

"Hello, why are you here?"

A person said in front of Lin Tai: "This is the area where our Labula Shao caravan is parked, I hope you can stop here.

"I'm not malicious, I'm just passing by here, hoping to have a look with you."

Lin Tai said: "After all, this is a dangerous place. If we can be together, maybe it will be safer."

"So, do you want to accept our commission? If you want to rest here, you also need to help us when we encounter a crisis."

"Of course, we will also give you certain rewards as compensation."

System prompt: Player Lin Tai, NPC has given you a task to protect the caravan, do you accept it?

"Accept 々.."

After accepting the mission, Lin Tai also gained access to the caravan's residence, and happened to see two people here.

These two people are a flame mage named Sajik, and a strange-looking female elf named Aixinde. Judging from her equipment, she should be a hunter.

"Hi, you two.

Lin Tai walked over and said, "I'm new here, you won't refuse me to stay with you, will you?"

The female elf didn't look at Lin Tai, but the mage on the side said: "I, you'd better not get close to me, I'm a guy who will bring disaster to others.

"Why do you say that?" Lin Tai said: "There are so many people in the world, what happens to others has nothing to do with you."

"No, I really want to bring disaster to you..."

"You idiot!"

At this time, the female elf Ai Xinde said immediately: "There is no doubt that this is someone else fooling you. If it is really useful, why are we fine?"

But when she said this, Lin Tai and Ai Xin suddenly stood up by themselves.

"There are enemies coming!"

And one person immediately noticed the problem, and that was one of the leaders of the caravan.

Although he still doesn't know Lin Tai's identity, he only knows that Lin Tai is a person covered by a gray cloak, and at this time, he also trusts Ai Xinlu who is beside him.

"How many enemies are there?" He asked immediately at this moment.

"There are a total of three trillion star pirates, among which there are at least one hundred middle gods and three upper gods." Lin Tai said immediately.

But the leader of the caravan didn't believe Lin Tai's words, but turned his head to look at Ai Xinde who was at the side.

"I haven't perceived the specific quantity yet, but if it's just like this, I believe it won't be difficult to solve."

Saying that, Aigade rushed towards the enemy's position.

Lin Tai and mage Saqik also followed closely behind, and soon saw each other's existence.

At the same time, Lin Tai also said: "I saw the opponent's spaceship."

"Hmph, it's really a bit of a skill."

As he said that, Ai Xinde just raised his hand, and then suddenly shot an arrow, blowing up a spaceship in front of him.

At the same time, Sajik also raised his hand, and a meteor composed of flames flew out and began to frantically destroy the ten spaceship claws of the interstellar pirates in Qiancheng.

And Lin Tai is completely in the state of prison now, and his melee combat ability is quite worrying, but he still has other fighting methods.

~ Most of these interstellar pirates are god-level troops, and they are easy to kill if they get in the way. "

As he said that, the soul of the Tauren Old Khan appeared directly behind Lin Tai, and suddenly an astonishing aura of a high god erupted, directly controlling a person in the spaceship.

Since these guys are not strong, a large number of people were directly controlled by Lin Tai in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the Seven Sins came, and all 10,000 people on a spaceship were controlled, and then turned into a low-god-level disaster [the huge body exploded the spaceship in half the time.

Immediately afterwards, they waved their fists one after another and smashed them down at everyone around them.

Due to the characteristics of the disaster itself, these interstellar pirates were instantly entangled in countless negative states, and each of them was turned into a disabled state in a short period of time.

"Kill them!"

Lin Tai's order was issued, and all the disasters began to be crazily destroyed immediately, and his terrifying power stunned Assad and Saqik in an instant. .

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