Under Lin Tai's gesture, Sachik and Ai Xinde all applied the strange powder in their hands on their faces.

This is a material that Lin Terry created with his own ability, possessing the power of the ancient gods. After using it, their appearance cannot be seen by others.

Then, Lin Tai summoned two cloaks and put them on these two people.

This kind of cloak has the effect of hiding aura, and at the same time it can emit dark waves, making them look evil and scary.

"Now you can pretend to be cultists, follow me closely, don't talk casually, understand?"



Both Saqik and Ai Xin nodded. Although they were not very willing to listen to Lin Tai's words, the current situation was stronger than others, and they had to cooperate with Lin Tai.

And now, they just appeared in one place, which happened to be the lair of the orcs who had acquired the evil energy, Zener Cruz.

"Stop, who are you?"

Lin Tai and others were immediately stopped by several evil orcs.

"I am the one who saved your high priest before, and now he needs me." Lin Tai also said unceremoniously.

Although Zena Cruz is the ruler of this area, there is actually an ancient god who controls fel energy behind him, so he is actually a high priest in name, not a lord.

"Ha, it's up to you?"

The two orcs also said suddenly a little unhappy.

In the eyes of these orcs, apart from the gods they believe in, the most powerful thing in this world is their high priest, Zenacruz. "How could he be saved by other creatures?

So now hearing Lin Tai say this, subconsciously think that mentioning him is insulting their high priest.

So in an instant, dozens of low god-level fel orcs rushed towards Lin Tai.


A black sharp edge flashed across Lin Tai's hand, and immediately the upper and lower bodies of these orcs separated, and there was no blood flowing out of them.

But immediately after, Lin Tai's body released a large number of black silk threads, which were directly wrapped around the corpses of these orcs.

In the next second, these orcs who were cut into two by Lin Tai were all corrupted and turned into Lin Tai's puppets, a disaster.

This is Lin Tai's newly learned skill, that is, any creature he kills can be used as a disaster. It's just that the strength of the disaster summoned in this way is not strong.

"I will give you one last chance, let me go in, otherwise your high priest will probably die in front of you."


Hearing Lin Tai still saying this, all the orcs became even more angry, but seeing the disaster in front of them [suddenly these guys didn't dare to continue to act presumptuously in front of Lin Tai.

It’s just that a small team leader’s expression flashed suddenly, and then he suddenly walked up to Lin Tai and asked, “Are you really the one who saved our high priest at that time?”


"Then please come with me."

After hesitating for a while, he still said so, and then used his eyes to push back the other orcs who still wanted to speak.

Soon, Lin Tai followed him to the inside of the castle.

At this time, he saw that Zena Cruz was talking to some people, and now Zena Cruz seemed to have nothing to do.

"It's you?"

Seeing Lin Tai, Zena Cruz was also taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "What are you doing here?"

"At that time, I saw the high priest was hit by an attack that contained the curse of the ancient gods. I thought you might suffer serious consequences, so I wanted to help you heal."

Lin Tai said with some regret: ""~It seems that I still don't need it now, so I will leave now. "


The moment Lin Tai turned to leave, Zena Cruz stopped it.

"Brother, can you really heal this curse?"

"What's the point of talking about it now?" Lin Tai shook his head and said, "The High Priest is a god, it seems that this mere curse has no effect on you, I was too worried."

After speaking, Lin Tai wanted to leave again.


And Zena Cruz thought for a while.

And he also quickly made up his mind, for it, Lin Tai can't just leave now.

"You all get out! (Good promise good)"

Zena Cruz first scolded all his subordinates away, and then said to Lin Tai: "Brother, please don't leave yet, look.

As he spoke, he lifted up his clothes, exposing a chest that was almost corroded to expose his flesh and blood.

And around the wound, there is still a circle of evil energy burning. It seems that if it is not blocked by the power of this evil energy, Zena Cruz is now dead.

"How is this going?"

Lin Tai pretended not to know anything, and said in a panic.

"Ahem, actually it's already difficult for me to hold on like this now. This curse is really too powerful. If it wasn't for the protection of the evil energy, I would have died."

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