Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1999: Winning The Trust

"I see, it looks like I didn't come in vain.

Lin Tai nodded.

"Brother, do you really have a cure for this horrible curse?"

Zena Cruz asked in disbelief.


Lin Tai nodded, and then his right hand turned into a taste, and then swam towards Zena Cruz.

Zena Cruz was still a little scared, but he was relieved after seeing that Lin Tai didn't seem to be malicious.

Zena Cruz took the initiative to let go of his fel energy defense, allowing Lin Tai's tentacles to touch his body.

At this moment, the bodies of Lin Tai and Zena Cruz all trembled.

Lin Tai trembled because his energy resonated with the ancient god's curse, and now he seemed to feel that he could absorb this energy.

"This is a combination of the protection power of the earth and the curse of the flesh and blood of the ancient gods. After years of refinement by the Black Dragon Queen, it has become very terrifying."

040 was a little surprised in Lin Tai's heart and said: "But I am the ancient god and the contractor of the Black Dragon Queen, so these two forces are naturally close to me, so I can absorb them without rejection."

As he said that, Lin Tai's body completely covered Zener Cruz's wound, and the spread of the wound stopped visible to the naked eye.

"This process may be a bit painful, you have to persevere."

"no problem!"

Soon, the curse on Zener Cruz began to be slowly absorbed by Lin Tai. Although Lin Tai could actually clear it all up in an instant, it was too close.

So Lin Tai deliberately slowed down the speed of absorption a lot, and at the same time stopped when the absorption was one-tenth.

Then Lin Tai pretended to be weak, took a few steps back, and then said (cecj): "Brother, this energy is a bit too troublesome, I'm afraid I won't be able to subdue it for a while , it will take a certain amount of time.”

Even so, Zena Cruz is already very happy.

The original Zener Cruz started to prepare for his funeral, but he didn't expect that Lin Tai, a seemingly weak guy, could actually heal his injuries.

In this way, Zena Cruz will not have to die, so he is naturally happy.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it can be completely cured, it doesn't matter if you wait for a while!" Zena Cruz immediately encouraged Lin Tai, and then asked: "Do you need anything to recover? If my brother has any , I can find it for you as soon as possible.”

That's right, Lin Tai's current weak appearance is definitely not able to help Zena Cruz heal his injuries, so Zener Cruz also "kindly" wanted to help Lin Tai.

After all, Lin Tai can only clean up one-tenth of the curse with this method. After a long time, this thing will still cause irreversible damage to his body.


After thinking for a while, Lin Tai said: "Brother, if you have soul stones, fel shards, dragon blood stones, etc., you can give me some, these things will help me restore my physical and mental strength .

"Okay, although I only have a little now, I will find it for you as soon as possible."

The things Lin Tai said were not very precious, but they were hard to obtain, so Zena Cruz immediately believed Lin Tai's words.

Soon, Zena Cruz took Lin Tai to find a place to live.

And just when Zena Cruz was about to leave, Lin Tai said suddenly: "Brother, I saw that you have enslaved so many red dragons, so you must be the one who controls the red dragon queen?"

"What?" [084412124 Feilu 03310329

The moment Lin Tai spoke, Zena Cruz became vigilant.

After all, the Red Dragon Queen is the source of all the strength of Zena Cruz, and it will be troublesome if she is plotted by someone.

"Don't worry, you should also know that I work for those who exist."

As he spoke, a strange eye appeared behind Lin Tai.

Zena Cruz nodded. After all, he was cursed by the ancient god, and only the ancient god and his subordinates could unseal it.

But no matter how you look at Lin Tai, he doesn't look like those guys with great powers.

Zena Cruz is just a lucky orc, how could he have imagined that Lin Tai is actually an ancient god, but only at the cub level.

So after thinking for a while, Zena Cruz also nodded. After all, maybe Lin Tai just wanted to meet the Red Dragon Queen, which didn't have much impact on it.

"Okay, since you want to see it, brother, I'll take you there."

"Thank you very much."

At this time, Zena Cruz took Lin Tai and two people who were Lin Tai's subordinates in name and walked towards the location of the Red Dragon Queen.

"This is the Red Dragon Queen?"

At this time, Lin Tai also quickly saw a super huge red dragon, which was even bigger than the blue dragon king and the green dragon queen. .

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