Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2000: The Red Dragon Queen

"This is the Red Dragon Queen.

Lin Tai looked at the giant dragon in front of him, and was also a little shocked. After all, the strength of this giant dragon is really terrifying.

And as a supreme god, she was actually trapped in this place.

At this time, the three dragon scales in Lin Tai's backpack also gradually began to vibrate, making a "buzzing" sound.

But because it is in Lin Tai's backpack, which is in another space, neither the red dragon queen nor the fel orc Zinacruz present can feel their trembling and aura.

"Calm down, now is not the time!"

Lin Tai suddenly released his mental power to suppress the three dragon scales, and then began to communicate with his body.

The body and the soul each have half of the consciousness, and now Lin Tai's human body has also come to this galaxy, and the place where it appeared is near the caravan.

At this time, Lin Tai said to the caravan leader in front of him: "Now, the other two and I have found something, and now we can start to act~."

"it is good."

The captain nodded, and then said to the thousands of players below: "Since you have all received the strengthening magic and your own strength has improved a lot, now I will lift the weakening curse on you, so that you can recover to - The power of the median god."

"And after that, I will entrust you. Those who accept my entrustment will be rewarded generously."

At this time, the captain raised his hand, and suddenly a large number of NPCs around him began to release some special materials, creating one after another ground magic circles on the ground.

These magic circles are quite special things. The moment they landed, they immediately released a large amount of green flames, and countless things like smoke penetrated into the bodies of these players.


The surrounding players immediately began to let out bursts of tragic wailing, and then their bodies gradually became dark green, and then their skin gradually began to crack, because the green liquid that seemed to be blood flowed out of the wound.

In fact, the caravan did not lift the curse on these people, but added a positive buff to them that was similar to the attribute weakened by the curse.

These people immediately began to lift their bodies, and the curse that made them feel pain seemed to have nothing to do with it.

And just when the vast majority of them were about to accept the task, one person jumped out suddenly.

"Everyone wait!"

At this time, these people immediately said: "Since there are a lot of resources and goods in this caravan [then why do we have to fight the enemy? As long as we jointly loot this...

But before he finished speaking, Lin Tai directly raised his hand, and suddenly a terrifying energy shot out, cutting off the player's head on the spot.

"It seems that you people are not very honest!"

Lin Tai said with a smile: "Don't think that we can do whatever we want after restoring your strength with the magic circle. These energies are under my control. Since you have accepted the power of the magic circle, you can be dealt with by me at any time.

As he spoke, Lin Tai stretched out his hand and squeezed it. Immediately, the bodies of some people who were a little moved just now began to tremble continuously, and their blood began to flow out of their bodies continuously.

...asking for flowers......

But after a few seconds, these people all turned into terrifying human skins.

"Okay, now I think you have also realized that you have become our puppets, and your life and death are all in my mind.

"Now, if you obediently help me fight, then you can avoid death. Not only can you get rewards after the battle, but you can also release this ability freely. When the curse disappears, you can naturally return to your among the galaxies.

These players all looked terrified, and none of them dared to make any special moves.

At this time Lin Tai said to them: "Now, you can set off and take your troops to attack the orc city formed by the orc Xinacruz who has controlled the evil energy. As long as you capture it, you will naturally You can get a lot of rewards, and we will also reward you with good things in the city."

Hearing what Lin Tai said, some of them immediately became happy, and began to think about what rewards they could get in the future.

And some people were a little angry, because they noticed one thing, the caravan and Lin Tai in front of them were undoubtedly using themselves as cannon fodder.

But now they dare not escape, because their bodies have been controlled, if they escape, there is no doubt that they will die miserably.

"Well, it looks like we have to do what you say."

Some of them had no choice but to accept their fate, and followed Lin Tai and the caravan towards the location of the city. .

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