Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2012 Continue To Fight

After getting the corresponding information, Lin Tai put these people back.

Lin Tai placed special marks on the bodies of these lizardmen. Once they tried to betray Lin Tai, they would be infused with a strong corrosive liquid in an instant.

In addition, these lizardmen have already betrayed their own galaxy, once this matter is brought to light, they will be infamous as traitors of the galaxy for thousands of years.

This is absolutely unacceptable to the vast majority of intelligent life.

In addition, they have now received Lin Tai's promise. When Lin Tai occupies their galaxy, they will only take one-third of the resources, and the rest will belong to them.

Since Lin Tai made this promise with a binding oath, these people really believed it. After all, if you break the oath, you will suffer serious soul trauma. Can't resist.

So after doing some calculations for a while, these lizardmen still feel that Lin Tai is trustworthy, and as long as Lin Tai succeeds, they will become the second-in-command of the entire galaxy in an instant. status?

"Well, these guys are gone."

Lin Tai nodded, then looked into the distance again.

This time the mission requires all naval battle players to drive towards the final mission location while fighting. There are additional rewards for the number of kills and the ranking for going to the destination.

"What are we going to do?"

Thor asked suddenly.


After thinking for a while, Lin Tai said: "We are heading directly towards the final location. With the existence of giant dragons, our speed should be the fastest."

"I will send out troops to wipe out the enemies I encounter along the way, and then as long as we reach the end point, we will wait at the end point and wipe out all other enemies who try to come."

"it is good."

This time, Thor and Oscinovsky both agreed with Lin Tai.

"Well, you should also summon your own flying dragon units. Although the quality is not as good as that of giant dragons, they can also be used as scouts and vanguard combat power.


Dragged by a group of flying dragons and giant dragons, Lin Tai's three spaceships began to move towards the finish line quickly.

But when the voyage was close to one-third, Lin Tai suddenly saw a group of spaceships that looked different in front of him.

Instead of fighting each other, the ships seemed to have a united front waiting for someone's presence.

Lin Tai frowned.

During this period of time, Lin Tai killed dozens of players on the server, and it is naturally possible that some people escaped during this period.

And Lin Tai feels a little bad now, the players in front are probably united together, waiting to attack him.

"Don't speed up for now, the combination of at least thirty servers, even I feel a little troublesome.

Lin Tai raised his hand to stop his troops, and then he summoned Linglong, Thor, and Mielx.

Among them, Thor Fei is in the middle, and Mielkes and Linglong are on his left and right sides respectively.

Lin Tai stood on Thor and flew towards the combined fleet in front of him.

And the players who united didn't seem to have thought that Lin Tai would dare to fly towards them alone, so they didn't attack for a while.

Soon, Lin Tai came a hundred light-years ahead of the other party.

For the gods, this distance is not too close, it is just a position where they can communicate but are difficult to confront directly.

Seeing Lin Tai stop here, the players in front of them immediately breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the oppressive feeling brought to them by the three extremely huge dragons is still very tyrannical.

At present, except for Lin Tai, no one can subdue the dragons of the god-level arms, and some of them are all of the twelfth rank, which is basically useless.

"Everyone, why do you block the 440 miles?"

Lin Tai sent the voice to the players in front of him with divine power: "We are just passing by, ordinary players who want to go to the end point, if you insist on stopping our spaceship, then we will cure it for self-protection. attack!"

Hearing Lin Tai's words, some players immediately became angry.

These guys are basically guys who survived Lin Tai's attack.

You must know that Lin Tai always fights against players on other servers as soon as he sees them. There is no chance to show affection or surrender, and he directly kills them all.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many player alliances appearing in front of Lin Tai this time, that's why Lin Tai didn't attack rashly, wanting to see what these people are here for.

Of course, this is also to leave some leeway for Lin Tai himself, otherwise it will be a bit troublesome to start a contact war rashly.

Now Lin Tai has also begun to remotely control the formation. .

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