"Damn it, who do you think you are?"

An alien who looked like an octopus stood up and yelled at Lin Tai: "These days, you kill..."


Before it finished speaking, the commandment in Lin Tai's hand had turned into a sniper rifle, and the bullet smashed the octopus man's body into pieces on the spot.

"Oh, don't slander good people by saying that this is the first time I've met you, and I've never killed anyone, okay?"

Seeing Lin Tai's performance, and then the player alliance in front looked at the octopus alien lying on the ground, all of them felt a sense of contempt in their hearts.

But it's useless to just despise them now, after all, Lin Tai is still standing around here, and Lin Tai also has troops that are very powerful in both quantity and quality, which makes them have to be careful with them.

And at this moment, a special alien creature that looked like a human but was covered with a light yellow carapace stood out,

His name is Braun Sowa Durlit, and he seems to be a server player whose language is relatively close to that of Earth, and his IQ is not low.

Braun Sowa Durlit stood directly opposite Lin Tai and said: "Indeed, everyone is a competitor in this battle, and there is no problem in killing players from other planets."

The moment the alien's words were spoken, many people were dumbfounded, and several other server players clearly showed angry expressions.

But immediately afterwards, Braun Sowa Durlit also took a deep breath, and then continued: "However, you are really too strong in this battle, and we who simply fight with you It is impossible for the players on the server to win one-on-one~「!”

"So this time, we need to unite and kick out the strongest guy like you first, and then we will start a fair competition!"

Hearing the alien's words, the other players around immediately became excited again.

That's right, why they joined forces, isn't it because the players who escaped from other places said how powerful Lin Tai is? In fact, if they don't drive Lin Tai away, they have almost no chance of winning this event.

As for the victory in this event, the rewards are quite generous. Everyone is quite greedy, and it is impossible not to snatch it.

So at least Lin Tai, the favorite to win the championship, will be driven out together, and then they will compete again, and the possibility of winning will be much greater.

At least 10% has a winning rate of 0.1% compared to 0.1%, which is about a hundred times larger than that at that time!

"Very well, since you have said so, then I will fulfill you."

Lin Tai nodded, and then said: "You are right, the most suitable choice for you now is indeed to drive me out of the event, and then you people will fight again.

When it came to this, the players in the distance almost thought that Lin Tai had given up.

But then, Lin Tai sneered and said: "But now you are united, who will confront me head-on? You know, even if I withdraw from the activity, and the person who is disabled by me, it is impossible I won the victory. If anyone is brave enough to rush to the front and sacrifice himself for others, I really admire it."

"But are you really willing? Fight me desperately, but in the end, people who watch the show from a distance and don't work hard take advantage of it!"

"Shut up!"

At this time, Braun Sowa Durlit panicked immediately. He looked at Lin Tai and shouted angrily: "Don't try to confuse us! No matter what, you will definitely die during the event this time, so you should get out as soon as possible." Bar."

"Oh, do you really think so?"

Lin Tai sneered, and immediately an army of three trillion appeared behind Lin Tai.

Among them, the green dragon, the blue dragon, and the red dragon each occupy one hundred trillion, while Lin Tai did not bring out the other arms, but continued to put them in his backpack.

In fact, now that Lin Tai has the black dragon, he can already control the black dragon, but this plan is still in his belly, and he is not going to let other races realize that Lin Tai has control over the black dragon.

Because the black dragon is still an outcast, a sinful existence. (Qian Hao Zhao)

So Lin Tai currently releases only three kinds of giant dragons, and when the opponent's player alliance saw the terrifying number of dragons summoned by Lin Tai, they were shocked for a while.

Immediately afterwards, these players also immediately summoned their own units and formed a formation, ready to start a decisive battle with Lin Tai's units.

And just as Lin Tai expected, when these players heard what Lin Tai said, they all began to doubt their teammates.

After all, if it really collides with Lin Tai's such a large-scale unit now, there is no doubt that whoever rushes to the front will suffer, and there is no compensation. .

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