But Lin Tai has no such worries at all.

In an instant, Lin Tai just waved his big hand, and his dragon unit rushed towards the players' units in front of him.

However, the number of arms of these players is relatively small, because they are still guarding against each other's backstabs, so they all hide their trump card arms.

"Hehe, you guys are really fooled."

Lin Tai said with a smile: "Don't be on guard against each other, since you have all joined forces to deal with me, it must be interesting to fight with all your strength!"

And even though Lin Tai said this, all these players immediately released more arms, and at the same time rushed towards Lin Tai and its arms.

"Oh, the number is still relatively small."

At this moment, Lin Tai smiled. Although the soldiers facing him had a quadrillion, players from hundreds of planets connected with each other and released a motley army.

Most of the arms are not connected with each other, and their heroes are also various. Although many arms are similar, but their heroes are not one, and the strength of 433 is similar, they are all lower gods Left and right, so it is impossible to unite to fight against Lin Tai.


With a big wave of Lin Tai's hand, all three highgod-level dragon heroes all spewed out huge flames [the motley army in the front was burned to ashes on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai activated his skills again, which accelerated the speed of all the dragons by 50%. At the same time, when he turned around again, his body suddenly accelerated.

These giant dragons rushed directly into the arms, and then launched an indiscriminate attack on the surrounding arms in an instant.

Because the dragon breath of the giant dragon has a super wide range of AOE damage, and the damage is not inferior to ordinary single attack, it instantly burned a large number of enemy units to death.

At the same time, these giant dragons also launched attacks towards some single enemies without hesitation, and they could kill enemies relatively easily with their claws or tails.

After all, giant dragons have few opponents at the same level, and these combined players are relatively weak, so the arms of these players were destroyed in a very short period of time.

But it's not just that.

Among these players, there are still relatively strong ones.

For example, Braun Sowa Dollit, who stood up and led the alliance to fight against Lin Tai before.

He himself has a very powerful armament.

At this moment, I saw that Braun Sowa Durlit directly summoned his own arms, which looked like some big birds made of golden yellow metal.

And because these big birds are mechanical creations, they will not be affected by Longwei, so they fought with Lin Tai's dragon on the spot.

The big bird's body is very hard, and at the same time it can shoot a large number of missiles, so it is not at a disadvantage when it is entangled with the dragon.

"The fire of life and the power of dreams are meaningless to the mechanical body. My green dragon and red dragon can only fight these monsters in hand-to-hand combat. It seems that it is better to use the blue dragon.

And looking around (cefg) for a while, the blue dragon army is currently surrounded by a group of enemies, and it is difficult to free up their hands.

"Well, it seems that you guys are really arrogant."

Lin Tai sighed slightly, and said, "Do you really think that as long as you block the power of dreams and the power of life fire, you can defeat the dragon?"

In an instant, Lin Tai said to Linglong: "Linglong, use the power of dreams to control the spirit of the opponent's user, and it will be enough in an instant."

"it is good."

As she said that, Linglong also broke away from the main force suddenly, and her whole body instantly turned emerald green, like a piece of finely carved jadeite.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a burst of dazzling emerald green light erupting from Linglong's whole body, covering all the targets around her.


Braun Sowa Durlit was taken aback for a moment, and immediately activated his defensive skills to protect himself.

But the strength of Linglong's dream power is already very high, basically it will not be resisted by ordinary defense abilities, only things specially used to target the power of dreams can resist it.

So at this moment, Braun Sowa Durlit fell into a deep sleep for a short time.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai launched an army formation.

That's right, Lin Tai noticed that in the opponent's lineup, only Braun Sowa Durlit is the upper god, and the other lower Shendu cannot use the army formation.

So at this moment, at the moment when Braun Sowa Durlit fell into a deep sleep, Lin Tai's three trillion dragon units laid the groundwork for the army formation.

And Braun Sowa Durlit woke up instantly, but before it could react, Linglong, who immediately formed an army formation, used his strength again to make him fall back into a deep sleep.


At the same time, a not-so-loud dragon sounded from behind the coalition forces.

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