Naturally, it was Woshinovsky and Thor's dragon that appeared at this time.

They did not participate in the frontal battlefield this time, but quietly came to different positions and released their own arms.

Each of them has three trillion god-level arms, flying dragons, and corresponding middle-god heroes. In this state, they naturally pose a very powerful threat.

Especially when Lin Tai's three army units are all formed, and the player alliance is in chaos.

Countless flying dragons rushed directly into the enemy's camp, and when these enemies were in chaos under the army's formation, they began to launch a frenzied attack.

In an instant, these players all panicked. Even if they want to adjust now, they can't mobilize these arms at all.

"Get rid of them!"

At this time Lin Tai let out a loud roar without hesitation, and then the army formed by the three giant dragons began to sweep wildly.

When abusing vegetables, in fact, the most common forces superimposed on the army formation are the best to use.

At this time, three army formations composed of one hundred trillion dragons transformed into three super-large army formations that were close to the size of the Dragon King, and were frantically sweeping away the surrounding enemies.

As for Woshinovsky and Thor's flying dragons, although there are a lot of them, their lethality is still very different from that of Lin Tai, even though they are massacring the enemy quickly.

"Damn guy!"

At this time, Braun Sowa Durlitt was checking the situation in front of him. He just recovered from the dream and saw that the alliance he had formed with great difficulty was being killed by the enemy at a rapid speed, and he was immediately furious.

This time, he is going to get the reward of the championship, and now if the alliance is disintegrated, it is basically impossible for him to beat Lin Tai with his current strength.

So he released his hidden strength without hesitation.

He not only owns the metal monster bird, but also has two trillions of other god-level arms, which is a total of three trillions like Lin Tai.

"Army formation, get up!"

Braun Sowa Durlit released the cosmic dragon Nas and the disk metal body without hesitation. At this time, they are combined together and also become two kinds of army formations.

One is a metal dragon made up of a hundred trillion cosmic dragon Nas, and it's an Eastern dragon anyway, not Lin Tai's Western dragon.

The other is a super huge monster made of many discs, fighting Lin Tai's green dragon phantom.

But although it seems that the two sides are evenly matched, don't forget that Lin Tai still has a large number of dragon corps to help.

Although the Flying Dragon Corps is weaker than the giant dragon, it can fly, resist and fight, and it is also one of the super troops. At this time, when the troops of Lin Tai and Braun Sowa Durlit are tied for victory , These flying dragons have become an important chess piece that affects occupation.

When the arms of Lin Tai and Braun Sowa Durlit were fighting, flying dragons with a number of six trillions attacked from all directions, directly launching against Braun Sowa Durlit's army formation. attacked.

"Damn, there are too many of these things!"

Braun Sowa Durlit let out an unhappy roar, and immediately after that, he saw his body suddenly turned into a stream of light and hit Lin Tai.

...asking for flowers O......

"It's all you, I will definitely kill you this time!"

Braun Sowa Durlit let out a roar, and suddenly a huge scythe appeared in his hand, and then suddenly attacked Lin Tai.

At this time, Braun Sowa Durlit hated Lin Tai to the core and was about to kill him before giving up.

But although Lin Tai and Braun Sowa Durley are both upper gods, there is absolutely no difference between Lin Tai and Braun Sowa Durlit. In fact, Lin Tai's combat ability is stronger than Durley's. Extra powerful is too much.

Lin Tai raised his hand without hesitation, and the verdict in his hand hit the opponent's sickle fiercely.


In an instant, the formidable forces of the two sides collided together, directly sending Braun Sowa Durlitt flying.

At the same time, Lin Tai didn't hesitate, and directly chased after him.

Judgment shot again, two long black dragons entwined on it, hit Braun Sowa Durlit's chest hard, and directly smashed a huge dent in his chest

Immediately afterwards, with a backhand stab by Lin Tai, Judgment pierced Braun Sowa Dollit's body, and began to absorb his life energy.

And with the injury of the master Braun Sowa Durlit, his three army formations were also affected a lot.

The three giant dragons Thor, Linglong, and Mielsk immediately seized this opportunity, and the army formation controlled by Cui Dong began to launch a counterattack.

"Wait for me…………"

Braun Sowa Durlit still wanted to ask for forgiveness, but Lin Tai didn't give him this chance. .

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