This blow immediately knocked Lin Tai's hero, Holy Thunder King Katok back a few steps.

Naturally, Hulkard didn't hesitate at all, he immediately rushed forward, violently raised his head, and slammed the hammer in his hand towards the top of Katok's head!


Brains splashed in an instant!

What Hulkard didn't explain to the outside world was that he was actually a high god with a godhead and a god position, so his combat power was also extremely terrifying.

In addition, the current Helkard is a melee-type high-god who is good at strength, so it is normal for this blow to severely damage the assassin-type high-god Cato.

"Heh, it seems that your strategy is wrong. I have severely injured one of your generals so easily, and I will win this battle!"

Seeing that he had seriously injured Lin Tai's hero, Hulkard immediately began to get carried away with complacency.

But at this moment, another wound suddenly appeared on Helkard's chest, and a large amount of blood was directly sprayed on the assailant's body.

There is no doubt that the one who injured Helkard with this blow was naturally Katok.

And the figure that was originally hit by Helkard gradually appeared in front of Helkard, it turned out to be just an ordinary Holy Thunder Mantis, and now it has been killed by Helkard.

"You, what time are you?"

Hulkard was very strange. He couldn't find out when the Holy Thunder Mantis appeared, and he didn't know why the attack he aimed at Katok was on this unit.

"Oh, you still know too little!"

As he said that, the body of the Holy Thunder King Katok suddenly turned into a flash of lightning again, and then he attacked Helkard in front of him.

This time, Hulkard's memory improved once, and before Katok got close, he struck out with one blow, and instantly formed a small range of vibrations around him.

However, the corners of Lin Tai's mouth turned up when he saw this scene.

That's right, until now, all of this was in Lin Tai's plan.

It's just that Katok didn't repeat the old tricks, but a deliberate feint.

At the moment when Hulkard hit this blow, Katok's body spun together in mid-air, and the dazzling thunder light that formed also turned a corner in an instant, and went around Hulkard's side directly. .

In the next second, Katok appeared in the formation of troops summoned by Helkard.

"not good!"

Hulkard immediately let out an exclamation. Although the Kali tribe he summoned is very powerful, they are not good at melee combat at all. At this time, a powerful high-god assassin like Katok broke in. There is no doubt that It will cause serious damage to the formation!

"You can only use the military array!"

The continued existence of the army array will always consume the user's mental power, so the current Hulkard is not very willing to deploy it before Lin Tai opens the army array, after all, the advantage of the second player is relatively large.

But now he has no other choice.

In an instant, Hulkard activated the army formation, but at this moment he suddenly discovered that his own army formation could not be summoned.

That's right, it just can't be summoned.

Because at this moment, all of Helkard's arms and Kali wizards were in a state of panic, and their spirits simply couldn't bear Helkard's call!

...asking for flowers...

At this time, Helkard took a closer look, and it turned out that a large number of holy thunder mantises that were still in front of Lin Tai suddenly appeared in the lineup of Helkard's Kali wizards!

"What, what's going on here?"

Hulkard was shocked once!

And Lin Tai took out a chair and sat down, then said with a smile: "My hero Katok has the ability to teleport troops to his side, so this time, you are the one who loses!"

"Damn, this, this is impossible! I won't just die here!"

Hulkard immediately became furious, and he directly took out a bigger weapon, a fork.

Helkard's body was suddenly surrounded by a burst of purple flames, which was his natal fire, the gilded purple flame.

With the Gilded Ziyan attached, Helkard's overall attributes were greatly improved, and then he suddenly rushed towards Katok in the army formation.

"Oh, you are really impatient."

Lin Tai smiled and shook his head, then raised his hand, and immediately saw bursts of golden patterns appearing on Katok and all the holy thunder cockroaches.

Immediately afterwards, all the Holy Thunder Mantis formed an army formation under the control of Lin Tai.

This time, the army array Lin Tai chose for the Holy Thunder Mantis did not combine together to form a huge phantom, but digitized the rest of the Holy Thunder Mantis and injected them into Katok's arms.

Different from Thor's combination of absorbing tribesmen, Katok's army formation can only increase his own speed and destructive power, and his defense power is still the original value, and he will suffer heavy damage instantly when he is hit. .

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