But that's enough for both Lin Tai and Katok.

At this time Lin Tai completed the last link of the plan at this time, and immediately started drinking and having fun, completely ignoring what happened on the battlefield.

And Katok's arms were infused with the power of countless holy thunder mantises, and they had completely become as bright as stars. Even Hulkard was so illuminated by the light of this performance that he couldn't open his eyes.


The moment Katok's voice fell, Katok's forearm swung out suddenly.

At this time, Katok's speed even reached the level of the Supreme God!

Of course, although the strength of "Nine Seven Three" has been achieved, Katok's physical strength is still far behind. If he really collides with the Supreme God, Katok himself will be turned into countless fragments on the spot.

In the next second, Katok's forelimb pierced Helkard's body fiercely, cutting off his body and soul at the same time before Herkad could react.

"It's impossible, I can't die yet, my people, my Hui..."

Even though his soul and body were completely shattered, the current Helkard is certain to die.

But Hulkard still insisted on standing on the ground without stopping.

His body is very tired, and his soul wants to lose his consciousness completely at any time.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lin Tai clapped his hands, and Katok's body began to turn into a phantom.

Now Katok's arms began to appear cracks, and he needed to go back to rest immediately, otherwise it was likely to develop into a more severe injury.

"I'm not willing..."

After Hulkard finished his last words, immediately Hulkard's soul and body turned into countless clouds of smoke and dissipated away.

There is no wind here.

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you killed the high god-level opponent, Helkard, in the death arena, and you lost all the opponent's drops. 】

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you have killed an opponent of the same level as you in the death arena, and you have obtained a privilege. 】

[Privilege: After use, you can make enemies whose rank is higher than yours, and their ranks will be forced to become equal to yours. 】

"Heh, this reward is really a bit good. This can be regarded as giving me a chance to deal with stronger people. If I use it well, it can be regarded as a good killer."

Nodding his head, Lin Tai was very satisfied with the reward this time, and then exited the death arena and returned to the game space.

At this time, Hulkard was killed by Lin Tai, and the remaining two players and all arms were all controlled by Lin Tai. Now this camp is completely controlled by Lin Tai.

But Lin Tai didn't care about these arms, he walked to the front, looked at a row of very special equipment, not only frowned.

These things are the siege props that Hulkard exchanged for battle exploits, called piercing warships.

These spaceships can cause 1000% damage to buildings, and have a high armor-piercing effect, which can ignore the super high armor of the city wall.

Moreover, during the battle, the piercing battleship will also spray a large amount of flames towards the surroundings, causing terrifying damage to the enemies who try to destroy the battleship.

"Well, this is a very good thing, I hope it can meet my requirements."

Nodding, Lin Tai then said to Woshinowski: "The task of using these props is entrusted to you, let me blow up the position of the remaining players on the humanoid server!"


Woshinowski is also a war madman, and when he heard that Lin Tai handed over all these war weapons to him, he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear...

"Okay, then let's start this battle immediately!"

As Lin Tai said, everyone immediately headed towards the players on another planet's server.

The name of this server is Cross Star, and the players inside are called Cross people.

The strength of the Cross people is not very strong, but they are very good at studying various alchemy techniques, and can do many things that technology cannot.

For example, the spaceship they use is not a technological spaceship, but a special combat biological spaceship made using alchemy, and the raw material is actually a huge and gentle creature that lives in the universe.

"Well, these guys seem to have not noticed that the kobold players have been wiped out by our group, and this happens to be a good opportunity to kill them!"

Lin Tai looked ahead from a distance, and at this moment in 4.4, he happened to find out that the Cross players at this time had actually placed a lot of mines!

That's right, mines.

It's just that it's not the same as the mines of the technology system used by Lin Tai, but a biological landmine made by alchemy using a creature that looks like a mouse.

This kind of mouse is still alive and has its own consciousness, but its body will not be controlled by its own consciousness. It will automatically dig the ground and burrow into the ground, and then make a good disguise, as if there was nothing in the original place.

"What a cruel thing!".

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