At this time, Lin Tai directly dispatched the electronic dragon.

That's right, Lin Tai still has a lot of electronic dragons that can be used as cannon fodder. These guys are all versions before Electronic Dragon V, and their strength is still worse than Electronic Dragon V


So now, these tens of trillions of electronic dragons were directly thrown out by Lin Tai, and then rushed straight towards the position of the Crossbow players.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time, countless explosions sounded, and then Lin Tai saw his electronic dragon begin to be massacred crazily in the explosion.

The more than one billion electronic dragons he sent out were all wiped out in an instant!

And Lin Tai also continued to send these things to charge forward.

After all, electronic dragons are much cheaper to manufacture than arms, and there are electronic dragon cores. As long as these electronic dragon cores enter the wreckage of a scrapped electronic dragon, they can be made to move again.

Although the guy who moved probably lost most of his combat power, it was still very easy to take charge of the pathfinding and then use his body to detonate the bomb.

And the Cross players also quickly noticed that something was wrong. The biological mines they placed were being triggered crazily. This was undoubtedly a sign of someone invading.

"Could it be the group of kobolds?"

A player said in a bit of surprise.

"Can't you?"

The other player shook his head, "The other party's siege equipment is restrained by our mines, so they probably wouldn't choose to use that kind of thing to force an attack.

"Okay, don't worry about these things anymore."

Another person interrupted the two, and said: "Anyway, this time we have been invaded by the enemy, we must repel the enemy immediately and resume our battle.

Saying that, the creature that looked like a little titan stood up, and then walked directly outside.

This is the leader of the Crossbow players, whose name is Ebol Cassatt.

Although Crossbow players are a race, their image is not the same, because many of them use alchemy to transform their bodies.

And Ebol Cassatt is the most powerful player among them. His alchemy is superb, and he can change his physical state at any time.

However, in front of Lin Tai, Abel Cassatt's specialty didn't have much effect.

Because the moment Abor Cassatt went out, he saw a rather huge creature attacking towards their position.

This is the Void Kun summoned by Lin Tai. It is quite large and is very suitable for charging into the enemy's formation.

At this time, the void kun smashed through the city wall arranged by Eborcassatt in an instant, and then countless flying dragons rushed up, and at the same time, there were a large number of piercing warships on the ground.

"Damn it, it's really a Kobold!" Ebol Cassatt also said suddenly: "But what's the matter with these flying dragons? Don't Kobolds not have this type of arms?"

But Lin Tai wouldn't explain it to Abel Cassatt.

Just when Abel Cassatt was puzzled, a large number of arms were crazily attacking the city, and countless flying dragons also began to frantically slaughter Abor Cassatt's arms and sentries

"Damn it, we obviously don't have any enmity, are you kobolds really going to push me to the wall?"


Lin Tai laughed on the spot. In fact, what Ebol Cassatt said was to fight to the death, but for some reason, it was translated as a dog jumping over the wall. Maybe even the system thought that Ebol Cassatt was very natural (Brain) Zhen (child) can (have) love (disease).

Afterwards, Lin Tai also felt that bullying children with cerebral palsy was meaningless, so he stood up and said, "I'm sorry, the kobolds have been eliminated by me now, and it is our Earth server who wants to attack you!"

"What Earth?"

Abel Cassatt was also stunned for a moment, he didn't know what 200 the Earth was, but he immediately remembered the name of the number one in the military merit list, and it really was the Earth and Shura, which was simply too terrifying.

"Wait, our players from Star Cross didn't attack you like the others! This time you are bound to enter the third stage, so it's better for us to go our separate ways this time and not interfere with each other. "

"So you are still too naive. Do you really think that even if you have entered the third stage, you can maintain it? It is better to quit now, and I can consider establishing diplomatic relations with you Cross Star , it can be considered that you have saved me some troops."

"Too arrogant!"

Abel Cassatt also choked in his throat, feeling that Lin Tai in front of him was simply insulting himself.

Afterwards, Ebol Cassatt also immediately said: "Okay, okay, since you really broke with me, then I'm not afraid of you! Since I will definitely launch this time, I must also cause you losses!".

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