At this moment, Lin Tai saw the enemy rushing towards him, and he was shocked all over, a purple-red mist blocked him.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp blade was born out of thin air from the mist, and then directly inserted into the body of the flying Valkyrie in front of him, and knocked it back for a certain distance.

"Your strength is good, but it's still a bit worse than mine."

Lin Tai also took back his weapon, and then said to the enemy in front of him: "You should leave here as soon as possible, and stop trying to occupy my kind, or I will wipe you out."

"Asshole, don't think I'm going to let you go! This is my last chance!"

The flying Valkyrie let out a roar, and her soul was instantly covered by a special power, and then the soul mutated.

Lin Tai saw that a large number of tentacles suddenly grew on the soul of the flying Valkyrie, and they all attached to the armor on the surface of her soul, and then began to change 920 rapidly.

Soon, the flying Valkyrie turned into a terrifying monster again, and at the same time, strange changes seemed to take place in her soul.

"Heh, if you are like this now, your soul will be severely traumatized. I'm afraid that even if you can take away Fire Phoenix, you will probably become a fool with no brains."

As he spoke, Lin Tai took a step back, dodging an attack from the flying Valkyrie, and at the same time a sharp blade appeared in his hand, and quickly slashed at the flying Valkyrie in front of him.


With a clear sound, Lin Tai cut a gap in the flying Valkyrie's body, and at the same time took another step forward, and smashed down Lin Tai's chest with the sledgehammer in her hand again.


The heavy blow hit Lin Tai's body (cebj), but in the next second a film appeared on Lin Tai's body, which seemed to be very soft to block the impact.

In the next second, Lin Tai's body disappeared, and what appeared in front of the flying Valkyrie was just a phantom.

This phantom took another step, and the knife in his hand hit the flying Valkyrie's chest, and Lin Tai also appeared behind the flying Valkyrie, and the sharp blade in his hand pierced through the flying Valkyrie again Body.


The outer defenses were directly broken by Lin Tai, and the soul power of the flying Valkyrie began to leak immediately, but she was still in a state of madness, and rushed straight towards Lin Tai.

"I really don't know what to do."

As he said that, Lin Tai also completely lost the idea of ​​saving this guy, and immediately punched the flying Valkyrie in the back.


An attack hit the body of the flying Valkyrie in an instant, and at the same time a black beam of light erupted from Lin Tai's body, piercing through the body of the flying Valkyrie in an instant.

This blow completely annihilated her soul body.

"Well, should I continue to help Huo Fenghuang?"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment.

We must know that Lin Tai's current strength is very strong. If he moves a little bit, he can actually help Fire Phoenix, who is clearing the level, to successfully change jobs.

But is that good or bad?

"Forget it, let's wait a little longer. After all, the job change is still Huo Fenghuang's own business. Whether she can change her job to become a flying Valkyrie is indeed her own business. If I help, it is likely to create a Empty trash with power."

Thinking of this, Lin Tai sat down where he was, and at the same time began to put some things in his hands, and began to rest.

He made the right choice, and soon saw a person appearing in front of Lin Tai. She looked a bit like the flying Valkyrie she had killed before, but her body was also a little different, and she really didn't look like a person.

"it's me."

She took off her mask, revealing Lin Tai's familiar face.

"Fire Phoenix, how did you become like this?" Lin Tai was taken aback for a moment.

"I seem to have absorbed some special power from this relic. The race has been transformed into the Kate tribe, so the shape of the body has undergone certain changes."

"At the same time, after I changed my profession, I seem to have also obtained a relatively special set of equipment, called the Holy Armor of the Female Warrior, which is a first-class divine weapon."

"Uh...that's really special treatment, I got all this equipment from fighting monsters and doing missions by myself..."

Lin Tai also complained a little speechlessly.

In the next second, behind Lin Tai and Huo Fenghuang, a special soul phantom appeared again, which surprised Lin Tai, thinking that the soul of the previous guy had come back to life again.

"Thank you very much for killing the former Valkyrie who was under control and saving this planet, but it's a pity that there is nothing left here..."

The red soul body said with some regret.

"Contained ex-Valkyrie?".

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