"I am the earliest flying Valkyrie, and I am also the one who protects and loves this planet.

At this time, he also said: "But what I didn't expect was that my descendants were controlled by a strange force during the battle and became the lackeys of the invaders."

"Is that why it became what it is now?"


The ancestor of the Flying Valkyrie said: "In order to prevent problems in our universe, I shot and died with the Flying Valkyrie at that time, and completely sealed this place.

"So that's the case. It seems that we really need to investigate carefully."

Lin Tai nodded.


Suddenly, the ancestor of the flying Valkyrie said: "You performed very well just now, let's go to the underground palace with my new inheritor, there used to be the ruins of the palace, maybe there is something you need~.

After finishing speaking, the soul of the flying Valkyrie began to disappear gradually.

"Okay, let's go and see."

Lin Tai took Huo Fenghuang and walked towards the direction she said just now, and soon found that the place turned out to be in ruins.

After removing the stones and wood outside, the two of them walked in and found a magnificent palace, and it didn't even look like any dust had fallen.

"What a beautiful place."

Fire Phoenix walked in, and soon found a lot of weapons and resources here, which were very useful for him to hold in his hand.

"I can use these things to train a large number of female fighters, and I may not need to use the red flying dragon."

"Not always."

Lin Tai shook his head, and said: "Female warriors are not particularly powerful melee land units, but combined with flying dragons, they are a very powerful special boost.


And at this moment, Huo Fenghuang suddenly handed Lin Tai a bracelet.

Name: magic bracelet


Tier: Superior Artifact

Attack Power: None

Defense: None

Effect: Seal the soul of the monster with "magic" ability killed by you, consume one soul when using it, and summon a bound target to yourself.

Description: There are no males in the Tessak group, but the only exception is the spouse of the flying Valkyrie. He is not strong, but has a special ability, that is, to summon the flying Valkyrie to himself .

"It turned out to be something like this."

Lin Tai said: "This thing is useful to me, but it's not very useful. It's better to use it for other players. You can call another player in front of you at any time. This special ability is very important to you. , can protect the earth and other places very well.


Huo Fenghuang hesitated for a moment, originally wanted to say something, but finally suppressed it and did not speak.

She was actually implying Lin Tai just now, but she also saw that Lin Tai actually understood her thoughts, so she said this on purpose.

"It seems that I am being sentimental."

Shaking his head, Huo Fenghuang also completely suppressed the emotions in his heart, and then silently came to stand beside Lin Tai.

"Well, let's go, this planet is almost destroyed, and I don't see any future for it at all."

...asking for flowers...0

As he said that, Lin Tai took the Fire Phoenix and fled the planet quickly.


After returning to Earth, Lin Tai found a place to sit down and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go back and get used to your profession first, and let's create some arms by the way."


Huo Fenghuang didn't speak, but left silently, and Lin Tai didn't look at her back either.

"Next, let's take Lei Zhen to change jobs, end their job changes as soon as possible, and then they can guard this place with more peace of mind, so I can leave temporarily.

Thinking this way in his heart, Lin Tai came to the position guarded by Lei Zhen from another direction.

Lei Zhen's job change is the Ancient Beast Summoner, a very special job.

"There's no need to leave directly for this job change, I can leave my body behind, and Sin Prison will bring Lei Zhen into the subspace to complete it."

As he said that, Lin Tai also nodded to Lei Zhen, and immediately Lei Zhen understood, opened his task bar, and a black hole appeared in front of him on the spot.

In the next second, both Lin Tai and Lei Zhen collapsed in, their bodies disappeared instantly, and they came to a very special planet.

Here, Lin Tai saw a super-giant planet with a volume close to the sun and countless times larger than the earth.

"Hey, can there really be living things on this planet?"

Lin Tai couldn't help complaining: "The atmosphere of the planet here is estimated to be 100 times thicker than that of the earth, and the pressure is at least 500 times higher. I am afraid that life will be crushed to death at the moment of birth!"

"Um... I seem to have seen something strange." Lei Zhen said suddenly. .

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