Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2051: Killing The Eastern Emperor Taiyi

At this time, Dong Huangtai had already lost his confidence in fighting against the four giant dragons of the upper god level. Even if he was in full condition now, it was absolutely impossible for him to be the opponent of the four giant dragons of the upper god level.

Not to mention that one of them is the Dragon Queen, two are Dragon Princes (princesses), and the last and weakest Linglong is also a Dragon Warrior with extraordinary strength.

"Wait, don't kill me yet!"

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi suddenly said: "I admit defeat, I am willing to surrender to you with the will of this universe!"

What Donghuang Taiyi said about you was talking to the Black Dragon Queen, because he didn’t think that Lin Tai was the strongest among these people, but thought that the black “Nine Nine Zero” Dragon Queen was the master, and Lin Tai It is a carrier controlled by the Dragon Queen.

"Heh, if you surrender, it's not impossible.

At this time, Lin Tai suddenly stood up and said.

"Human, you are not qualified to speak!"

Just as Donghuangtaiyi was about to speak, unexpectedly, the blue dragon, green dragon, and red dragon in front of him were all angry. Among them, the blue dragon who had the deepest relationship with Lin Tai rushed up and slapped Donghuangtaiyi with one paw.

"Damn, what are you trying to do?"

Donghuang Taiyi also became angry immediately, and directly raised his hand to block the attack of the blue dragon prince Thor, but at the same time, the green dragon warrior Linglong and the red dragon princess Mierske also rushed up, and they all spewed out a mouthful of dragon breath. Throwing towards Donghuang Taiyi's body.

"It seems that you don't have high-definition status yet."

Lin Tai came up with a sneer and said, "I am the person in charge, and they are all the heroes of my contract."

"You? Weak human, need to talk nonsense!"

Donghuang Taiyi still didn't want to believe it, let out a roar, and then his whole body was shaken, and the three giant dragons were blown away, and then he punched Lin Tai down.

In Donghuang Taiyi's heart, human beings are still a very weak race after all, and it would be impossible to fight against their monster race if it were not for a special contract.

And even if there is any contract, then what they contract is just some ignorant monster race, but how can they control such powerful four giant dragons?

But at the moment when its attack fell, Lin Tai suddenly appeared behind Lin Tai's soul incarnation - prison, and at the same time, three high god-level disasters also appeared beside Lin Tai.


A terrifying explosion of smoke and dust spread out.

"Hahahaha, weak human beings, the beating has disappeared!"

Donghuang Taiyi let out bursts of excited roars, but he was not happy for too long.

The dust in front of him completely dissipated, and Lin Tai's body reappeared in front of Donghuang Taiyi.

Lin Tai's fist and arm still blocked the opponent's fist, and at the same time Lin Tai looked very relaxed. Not only was he not hurt, but he looked unscathed.

"how can that be?"

Donghuang Taiyi didn't understand what was going on, so he was stunned on the spot.

But at this moment, Lin Tai's expression moved, and the four giant dragons attacked him at the same time, and the thick tails of the four giant dragons directly pierced Donghuang Taiyi's body.


Donghuang Taiyi looked at the four giant dragons behind him in disbelief. After all, he still couldn't believe that Lin Tai was the master of these giant dragons, let alone why these giant dragons attacked him for a human.

"This stupid guy is finally dead..."

At this time, Lin Tai also walked to Donghuang Taiyi's side, and then stretched out his hand to pick up the things it dropped. [084412124 fly 51]

Donghuang Taiyi didn't drop many things. Although he was a high-level god, the high-level artifacts Lin Tai dropped were not very fancy.

The only thing that makes Lin Tai feel good is a bell.

That's right, it's the clock!

And it is the Eastern Emperor Bell!

Name: Donghuang Bell

Tier: Superior Artifact

Type: magic weapon

Effect 1: Donghuang Bodyguard: Actively open, all damage received within 30 seconds will be borne by Donghuang Bell, the upper limit is 120% of the user's upper limit of health, after reaching this value, the remaining time will return immediately zero.

Effect 2: Donghuang Promise: Actively open, increase your output ability by 35% within ten seconds, and each attack hit will refresh the duration again and increase the output by 5%, up to 100%.

Effect 3: Donghuang Break: Actively open, let Donghuang Bodyguard and Donghuang Wuji all enter the cooling state, and launch an attack with a power equal to 500% of your maximum attack power against 1.5 enemies [this attack ignores all defenses.

Effect 4: Eastern Emperor Qi: Passive trigger, permanently increases damage resistance by 25%, and increases by 5% each time an attack is received within ten seconds, up to 75%.

Description: The Donghuang Bell is a powerful magic weapon in ancient times, but the one you got seems to be a bit wrong, it seems to be an imitation.

Even so, you seem to be able to feel where the real Donghuang Bell is based on this imitation.

"An imitation product can have the level of a high-grade artifact."

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